Tariq NaSneed has an update on the Holiday Inn bullying video

1  2021-04-27 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


I was wondering what the limits of black entitlement would be. Turns out it's this.

"I can't get cancelled by funky bedwinches" - Tariq Nasheed

Now he's gaslighting by really pushing the narrative that the guy was drunk during the altercation when the source he uses for that story proves he's lying. All you have to do is read the Reddit screenshot he uses in his tweet.

It's honestly funny. The dude very clearly isn't used to being dogpiled and he has no idea how to deal with it right. Far as I'm aware this was the first time he got ratio'd like this.

Now that everyone hates Tariq it would be crazy if they discovered a subreddit dedicated to their love for him.

That's already this subreddit

We "love" him like we "love" orange man's tweets

I like where this is going.

Plot twist, based Tariq made that reddit post to fuel his gas lighting on the crusade against bed wenches and non FBA immigrants.

Way to well written. I don't think the guy can go 5 minutes without bringing up white supremacist's. His act is solid.

Good point.

Plot twist. Tariq was the white supremacist all along.

A reverse Talcum X, if you will.

I can't get cancelled by funky bedwinches

one of the funniest sentences I've heard in a long, long time. fucking BASED tariq

Damn they bullied him hard and he had nothing except to repeat the same two insults over and over 🤣🤣🤣

God, Tariq kind of sounds like an incel-slur. I've never seen him with any women and I don't think anyone could really stand being around the guy.

Don't you dare besmirch King Flex

Your right, who could ever forget the generation defining hit, wash yo ass.

Or his seminal book The Art of Mackin'

... funky... bed... wenches...?

Cage Fight: Talc with a knife VS. 'Riq barehanded: who wins?

the virgin apology video vs the Chad doubling down with absolutely no equivocation

I mean come on the man's a legend

Good god demanding money after pissing people off like that

The mans an unholy amount of based

Lmao why are they trying to get Traplord Tariq to apologize. They're only making him more powerful.

Tariq has solved Twitter. He knows how to utilize the platform to generate maximum attention from all corners. He's the GigaBlueCheck and everyone else is dripping with envy. He's a godking with a divine mandate and we should worship him. Amen.

I'm surprised twitter hasn't banned him, for harassment. This dude sounds like he is at his wit's end.

He's definitely gotten reported and is laughing at the lack of action by Twitter jannies https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/1386813094291132416?s=20

I got suspended for calling Shane Dawson a cunt, and more recently for calling Trisha Paytas a cunt. Yo Fuck twitter.

Why would they ban him for harassment when he didn't even film the video? He just commented on something someone else posted.

Also you all are massive hypocrites. Everyone laughs at internet freakout videos all the time. That's literally all he did. A lot of dummies are confused thinking he filmed it.

Can we get Tariq and Jesse Lee Peterson on a show together. Imagine how fucking amazing that would be.

That's pretty terrific.


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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He posted the guy's actual username? This dude is getting sued to oblivion for harassment 😂

Lol no he's not.

What internet dweebs call "targeted harassment" the legal system calls "deal with it, pussy."

Since when can you not post people's usernames?

The pearl clutching is hilarious. So now laughing at a internet freakout video someone else posts that you didn't film is "harassment"
