Islam shows it has things to teach the West about TRYING TO FUCKING TALK TO ME WHILE IM CLEARLY ON THE PHONE

1  2021-04-27 by -M-o-X-


In many parts of Afghanistan, the government has zero presence. There is no court where you can go and file a complaint. So, unfortunately, the only alternative is a Taliban court, which also happens to be rapid and free. People turn to these tribunals and find solutions for their conflicts and that builds legitimacy.

You might see this as horrible misogynistic act, but what it really is is a community based policing that moves beyond jails and fines and tries alternative forms of punishment.

Afghanistan was CHAZ before CHAZ was cool

And now, if she were allowed to have a job, she would be free to return to it, clearly we should embrace alternative punishments

lets bring back the stocks

lets bring back the stocks

keep on going

Scold's bridle for social media abuse when

i was told we were becoming handmaids taled, hopefully real life has better writing

i always kinda wondered how much rape was implied to be involved in the stocks

none if you are asking how many criminal offenses for rape were booked

i wasn't

i don't think they 'booked' anyone for anything in the days of the pillory

...thanks kiteman


Probably none for stocks. Stocks are where you sit down and have your feet restrained.

But probably not. Pillories were in public places and even back then rape was a no-no, especially if both parties were male. I don’t think there’s any sources that say rape was something that happened very much to the prisoners.

i figured throwing rocks and tomatoes at people was a no-no that became ok once someone was in a pillory so i wasn't sure where the line was.

i also figured when the sun goes down your situation in a pillory became more dire

surely they at least peed on them?

I mean you’re talking about a time where sodomy and casual sex were considered some of the worst crimes you could commit. Trying to rape somebody in a highly-trafficked, guarded (so nobody tries to spring the prisoner) area seems like the fast way to get the noose.

Women also aren’t really the crime-committing demographic and weren’t getting put in pillories that much, so trying to rape a pillory prisoner was outting yourself as gay anyways.

ah see it never occured to me it was guarded round the clock, that makes sense

i was also kind of under the impression it only really became 'gay' to fuck a dude semi-recently, as the the 'gay' part was always on the receiving end. not that that's the biggest problem here

That was the case in ancient times, but by the time stocks and pillories were commonplace in Europe (the earliest reference is from 820 AD) Christian theocracy was well underway and the Bible is pretty clear about what the gays get. Note that laws banned sodomy and not gay sex per se, so even doing a woman up the butt could get you (and her) the rope if people somehow found out.

good answers, thanks chum

so no pee then? the bible doesn't talk about that surely!

Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall

As long as you aren't peeing on the wall you should be good.

Really shows how much of a farce the Afghan government is. We have wasted two decades trying to whip them into shape, and they couldn't even get basic governance down.

It was never going to happen. As far as ethnic makeup goes, the country is a fucking nightmare. There's also the fact that the Taliban has had continuous support from the Pakistani ISI.

My theory: One of the reasons the Middle East's so fucked up is the huge degree of consanguinity the people have. I know there are tons of memes, but it's undenyable. In all muslim contries (except Indonesia and Malaysia), at least 25% of marriages are between first cousins, and in some countries like Pakistan it's 50%-60%, I think.

Now, research shows consanguinity can decrease your IQ by 10 points. If any Western country experimented such drop, it'd turn into another hellhole like in the Middle East.

I mean, dude bussy lmao

mixed raced people are genetically superior its true. Its why in tibet they used to fuck random travellers at one point.

Mayos unironically screwed up the Middle East and Africa by drawing arbitrary borders. Split them up into their pre-Western communities and let them do what they want. I’d rather they do their own thing and be happy than us force random countries on them. Another point for mayocide.

drawing arbitrary borders

Not really, this is such a tought-terminating cliché to say everything is Mayo's fault. The main ethnicity that has been injustly split between countries in the ME are the Kurds, and those aren't the most problematic by far. Also, do you think that if Mayos hadn't been there it'd be better? I don't think those middle easteners loved the Ottomans.

Also, check the cases where there was never a huge Western intervention, like the Hyderabad State (which lasted until the 1950s): the king had absolute power over ~15 million people, he owned like 50% of everything, Urdu was the sole recognized language (despite being spoken by 10% of the people and 50% speaking a single language), and Islam was the sole official religion (despite 80% of the population being Hindus). All of this sounds way worse than any "invented" Mayo state.

Revert to plan b, the nuclear option

What would that change? Less people, I guess.

You say that like it’s a bad thing

What's the point? It'll still be a useless plot of dirt.

*radioactive plot of useless dirt

you are r slurred if you think Afghanistan is useless.

Should have let the Soviets deal with it.

They weren't able to deal with it, either.

The British intentionally broke up every country’s ethnic regions

The man was also arrested and is being held in a Taliban prison.

Meanwhile this guy is probably either dead or getting gang raped (or both).

So she really won out here tbh.

Also that's the only time the guy is mentioned in the entire article.

Hes over the age of 10, they won't rape him

It only took 80 seconds for two men to rain down 40 lashes on the woman huddled on her knees as a large crowd looked on. 

Gotta admire the efficiency.

Lmao Afghanistan doesn't stand a fucking chance

Imagine wasting hundreds of billions trying to get goat herders stuck in the middle ages to like hamburgers just to fail miserably.

Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


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