The 🐷 did it again

1  2021-04-28 by gunowner63


Burger cops simply can't resist their inner urge to kill, its not their fault

Much like pibbles, it's just in their DNA.

Worse, many probably simply don't care.

Kinda weird it's an xpanic man this time. I wonder if blacks and mexicans can unite over this.

Brother of #MarioGonzalez: “the police killed my brother in the same way they killed #GeorgeFloyd.”

That's a good start.

So what will be the excuse for this one, the fentanyl defense again?

Jesus Zero, just because St. Floyd was on meth and fent doesn't mean all minorities are junkies.

Maybe leftoids are the real racists.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. I've been openly crying about the lack of riots.

Last I remember you talking about the subject was in the context of you admitting to be unironically seething at them polluting mayo suburbanoid lawns...

You're confused.

The conversation about lawns had nothing to do with riots, it was about how suburbs are the superior place to live.

I've never done anything but cheer on riots and pray for more.

I mean... I could find the conversation if you insist, but I'm fairly certain that it had to do with you being legitimately upset at something that wasn't even close to being a riot - it just happened in an area that you believe these things shouldn't be allowed to happen, because, well, it might affect you 😩.

It's easy to cheer for riots far, far away. Who doesn't?..

Find it, because you're wildly misremembering and this is offensive. 😡

You're thinking of the thread where some army guy got cancelled for yelling at a black guy in his neighborhood. Nothing to do with riots, and no seething. In fact, I mocked the guy for being in the army and hoped he would get cancelled hard because I don't like the US military.

In a separate chain, I explained that you should never live in a place with sidewalks because it lets undesirables get too close to your home.

I would never say anything against riots. And I would have loved to see the riots spread to suburbs.

Find it, because you're wildly misremembering and this is offensive. 😡

I would never say anything against riots. And I would have loved to see the riots spread to suburbs.

This unironically fills me with rage. Protests should be in urban areas or government buildings.

- Leylinus, 17th of April 2021.

Oh, it's a translation issue.

Look what it's in reply to, you mentioned people standing in a yard and my other reply is my lawn. That's not even the chain I was thinking of, that's obviously a joke.

In America, people caring too much about their lawn is a very old meme. There's a joke about old people getting angry about those damn kids in there yard.

He has so little going for him dude, let him have this.

The second one of these stories to get pushed. They really want to try and find a way to reunite blacks and Hispanics after BLM tore them apart.

The Hispanics aren't going to line up with Tyrone and Sharkesha, sorry, not happening.

I can't really make an objective judgment about this one. The people I care about most in the world are Hispanic and I'd really really like them to get a piece of the woke pie.

Hispanics don't get the benefits black people do, and I'd love to see that change. They pretty much get treated as white when they're not being actively used.

Do you though? I'm against illegal immigration, but I don't have anything but positive feelings for Hispanic people who I know and have known.

On the other hand, the woke express has deteriorated my view on "blacks" as a group(but not individuals whom I've known or even just run into)if only because it absolved them of personal responsibility. That can certainly be called out as a failing on my part, but the impression olympics doesn't make any of the competitors look good IMO.

Long term I think it's all destined for ruin. Short term I'd like to increase my sister's chances of getting into an Ivy for college and I'd like my brother to have a shot at getting his scholarships increased/getting into his grad school of choice.

And now that the government is just handing out huge amounts of money on racial grounds (all that cash to black farmers) I'd love to see Hispanics get a chunk as well.

Well, sure, if I could somehow parley my Mayo body into a check from the government, I'd be all over that too. Unfortunately for your family members, Hispanics seem to have a sense of both self worth and pride which limits their demands for free stuff.

Still, being a female POC your sis should be fine. As for your brother just tell him to list himself as both female and Native American, then watch the tide of cash come rolling in.

Quick reminder that it isn't all blacks you should become prejudiced against because of the antics of the woke, just American (non-immigrant) blacks. The vast majority of black people on this planet are not American and would be just as disgusted by wokism as any normal person.

No, no of course not. I'm aware of the incongruity of how much success African immigrants have in the US, frequently even moreso than whites do. They have a foundation for success that ones in the US frequently don't, such as a two parent family, a belief in education, etc.

American blacks too frequently try to define themselves by what Whites aren't, even though those traits weren't invented by whites. Its a self defeating philosophy.

Hispanics can't be brought in cause where would you even put them in the BIAPOC

BiPoC is funnier because you can pretend it's an organization for bisexual PoC. And if someone corrects you, you can say they're obviously wrong because black and indigenous are already covered in PoC.

Has it really happened twice this recently? Can’t cops learn another way to kill dudes so they get a little less flack?

I meant two incidents with Hispanics. Cops kill people all the time, the only part I'm interested is the larger cultural narrative.

The other one was that 13 year old Hispanic kid that had dropped the gun already when they shot him.

They can't force it down. Only the college-educated suburbanites would fall for this kind of stuff.

they can't force it down

Did you miss the last 2 years? The average American can be fed any narrative.

I popped over to SRD earlier today and they're still talking about the Capitol like it was 9/11.

Like I said, only college-educated suburbanites would fall for it. The Black and Hispanic alliance has been pushed longer than this, and I am just not seeing it happening.

Hell, Black and whatever Pee-Oh-See alliance has been pushed like crazy, but are you seeing any of those gaining a huge momentum? Because I certainly don't.

The way how Black activists have to butt into every race discussion, and make it all about themselves is a huge turn off.

The PoC thing works to some extent because they vote as a block. And when things like widespread black attacks on Asians happen they blame white supremacy.

The PoC thing works to some extent because they vote as a block.

Only Blacks vote largely as a bloc. I know Hispanics and Asians are mostly on a 60-40 basis.

And when things like widespread black attacks on Asians happen they blame white supremacy.

Because the media got Blacklash from reporting it and interviewing Asians, so they had to go back to those bullshit vague posturing. This doesn't mean Asians don't know what is really happening. Well, maybe not the second generations.

Nah with Asians its 60 some vs 30ish and with Hispanics it's over 70%.

Neither are anywhere near the consistent 90+% that black people are, but still.

I would argue most of the problem comes from the first generation does not vote as much as the second generations do, and the GOP's inability to court those votes because their higher-ups are a bunch of moron.

The recent Black vs. Asian thing got a few of my local politicians pretty riled up. So I expect things to change in the future for GOP, at least on a local level.

why are burger cops like this? I can't even understand

In developed countries police officers are well trained. In shithole countries they are more or less hired and set loose.


RIP 🏴‍☠️/RefundThePolice

Why was that sub banned?

Damn Reddit has gotten boring.

Idk man, I didn't get any sort of warning before or reason after for why it was jannied. It was banned within a few days or so after I created it. When it happened I just laughed it off and moved on since I expect nothing less of this site anymore. It didn't even have posts except the default stickied post about the sub's creation.

Reddit algorithms autojannie any new sub which had the wrong ratio of MDEgenerate vs. Normal people.

They might accept if you use magic words and apply in modsupport. Explain that you're for genuine police reform, and, most importantly, you will shoah the shit out of any Nazis degenerates.

That sounds like too much work not to mention the thought of having to grovel before an internet janitor (paid or unpaid) instantly gives me thoughts of suck-starting a shotgun.

It's a proactive stance against the homeless and suspected homeless which has my full support. It's effectively treating them like witches and carrying out a death by crushing.

They're desensitized to human life. They have to spend day in and day out looking at the utter scum of humanity. Rapists, murderers, degenerates of all kind. Eventually you deal with this shit so much and for so long you stop caring about other people beyond your colleagues and family. Suddenly everyone is a criminal until proven otherwise, and as far as they're concerned, if you die by their knee or their gun it was probably a service.

They shouldn't be in the job then? As shitty as dealing with the public in that capacity is there must be a mental profile than can properly handle it out there. ...hopefully.

Or just, automatons when..

It'll happen to all cops eventually. It's not a matter of if but when.

So yeah automatons when

A combination of dozens and dozens of factors. The fact that you can become a cop right out of high school, the fact that they basically larp as soldiers without having to follow the UCMJ, the fact that they have fuck all oversight in practical terms. All of those barely scratch the surface of the issues they have.

Watching a good amount of LivePD made me understand why. Imagine having to be police in a country thats unhomogenous and nobody gives a shit about anyone. Where 99% of the population you serve are no smarter than domesticated pigs.

And you deal with them every day. How often do people who are smart and have their shit together have to be involved with cops? Almost 0, at most a speeding ticket, where they get a warning.

So when people you deal with all the time are acting like animals, you treat em like em.

If I had a choice of being a cop or a sewage worker in america, I'd pick the sewers and still be in more polite company.

Lol, if I was a cop seeing all these incidents would make me more likely to just shoot at someone if they did anything that could remotely justify firing a bullet instead of trying to restrain them this way. Much safer for me this way.

I assume that’s the logic of that one who shot the teen with the knife and you know how that turned out.

Eh, he seems to be doing fine out of it all. The media may be howling but it seems he followed policy just fine. None of this "why did you continue to use force after the suspect had been subdued" bullshit. Once they're dead, they're dead and it's much easier to justify why you shot a couple of bullets than why you stayed on top of someone for minutes.

Had Chauvin just shot Floyd large parts of Minneapolis would not have burnt.