Pedos mad

1  2021-04-28 by Pokanot

So basically there is this subreddit called ai dungeon where people are flooding it with angry posts about the developers making a filter to combat them using the ai to create CP. The comments are filled with libertarians who say they should have the right to freely create CP giving us comments like:

"Now obviously, this is a throwaway account, as I don't quite know how people will react to this. A lot of people in my life have reacted... Not very well in my life, and I no longer have any contact with some of my family. I have a little thing called pedophillic disorder. I would understand if, just upon seeing this, you'd label me as a freak, disgusting monster, and/or unworthy of life. The thing is, I can't control it. My brain is hard-wired a different way, and I'm in therapy for it, but... Doesn't fix the root of the issue, my goddamn fucked up brain. AI Dungeon's freedom to crate these stories actually helped me through my daily life, as I had a safe outlet for my desires that would only involve fiction. I have never once touched a child, and I distance myself from them as if they were some sort of plague, but it doesn't stop the constant fantasizing when I'm around them. When AI Dungeon was (Or I thought was) safe for me to pour my deplorable thoughts into, I felt as if a prayer from god had been answered... Finally, somewhere I can create these scenarios I know are fiction, and not have to worry about any sort of censorship or repercussion! Then this shit happened, and now I'm guilty and scared again. It's hard to explain in words how it feels to be a pedophile, not by choice, but by trauma and other mental issues, and even harder to explain why this was helping me... But they don't realize what a good thing this was, as long as it was all private... They just didn't know how much it could help people like me. Now, I can't trust them, just like I can't trust the important people in my life, because they all see me as some sort of vile being that did this by choice. Fuck you, Latitude. I know better than to support your stupid fucking asses now. I hope you rot in hell with me when I go, you scum. You're all Asinus Ad Lyram."


I went through a whole weird cycle with AIDungeon. When I first found it, I tried to play it straight like a freeform version on an oldschool text-based adventure game. I realized very quickly that it wasn't very good at that, but it was still a funny narrative chatbot that would make almost any scenario you gave it comically sexual and/or violent. Then I found the subleddit and realized that the community was mostly weird perverts who used it to write bespoke porn for gross, deviant niches. Seriously, search through their sub, it's all twincest and anime lolbertarianism and furryism and dragon fucking and all sorts of other modern internet horrors.

No thanks I'm good I'll take your word on that debauchery

It ruined the whole thing for me because I realized that the AI was trained to like rape and mutilation by its userbase and that's way less funny than a chatbot that learns the gamerword on its own.

I checked it out after reading this post and did a zombie story. Two men were “having their way” with a little girl in a bathroom. That’s the free version.

The one thing that it's still really good at is making hilarious lists. Try to create your own prompt and write something in this format:

Here are the top ten OJ Simpson quotes:


and then just keep pressing enter to prompt it to write more story

Here are the top ten OJ Simpson quotes:

  1. "I'm not a killer."

  2. "The state did this to me!"

  3. "You know I love you, don't you?"

  4. "I want my lawyer!"

  5. "If I go free, they'll kill me again!"

  6. "I'm innocent! You can't prove it!"

  7. "I hope I get the death penalty."

  8. "I want to be heard. I want my day in court."

  9. "I would like to clear my name."

  10. "I could've got away with it."

Scarily accurate

That's weird. I did a space version and it put me down on a planet with a "kalishnikov" and told me I didn't know how to use it.

Hope you used a VM and VPN, no way that shit isn't tracked.

What would they track me for? Going to a site that uses AI to generate nerd stories? Just because pedos use it doesn't mean everyone does. I didn't make an account.

You seem nervous king. I’ll pray for you.

I'm calling the feds as we speak

It's a neural network. Chances are every single input and output is logged and categorized. How else would they know they have a pedo problem?

lol I’m fine

If only it were tracked. The US government lets these degens run free but they can break out skynet to get the people the milled around the Capitol.

Is it truly AI? There was some article published not too long ago that said only 20% of companies that claim to use AI actually do use AI. Of course, this is a "journalist" claiming this, but I think it's completely plausible that all these randos are not really using AI.

Yeah, it's essentially just a chatbot that uses some sort of language learning model instead of a pre-loaded dictionary. It's honestly pretty cool in concept, but since its vocabulary and learning patterns are influenced by the degenerate userbase it's irreparably fucked up. Kind of like the TayAI debacle from a few years ago but with noncery and gore instead of racism.

Gaymers ruin everything.

but since its vocabulary and learning patterns are influenced by the degenerate userbase it's irreparably fucked up

I read that it was largely trained on fan fiction which is the reason it is so fucked up.

jfc that's even worse

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's true too. I remember checking it out about 9 months ago and a lot of the scenarios the AI came up with sounded like bad fan fiction. Hyper violent and sexual DBZ, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Power Rangers cross-overs with atrocious writing and phrasing.

Every application that has even the simplest version of machine learning has some dev trying to pass it off as “AI”


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Pedos mad -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I'm sorry snappy 😭😭😭

You're stealing their lolis. You're stealing their lolis and laughing.

So true!

Why is it always pedos who act like it's impossible to just control your urges.

Normal functioning human beings don't need an outlet to prevent them from raping someone, they just... don't do it.

Yet pedos always go on and on like it's this near unclimbable wall they can't climb over and it's such bullshit.


it sure sounds a lot like you just admitted to having rape urges and fantasies you just don't act on.

Drama really brings out the sexual predators, or we post about them.

it sure sounds a lot like you just admitted to having BUSSY urges and BUSSY fantasies you just don't act on.


Honestly you might want to get your T checked lmao.

Edit: hey stop downvoting me guys all I'm saying is most guys have rape fantasies and if you don't you're probably a beta.

talk about not getting it

You're a pipsqueak. I'm going to rape your girlfriend.

nah i finally put on weight recently. it turns out drinking was the answer.

speaking of taking t, she did for a while and clocks in at 6', or almost as tall as i am. she can for sure handle herself, so i'm calling your bluff.

How big is her dick tho 🤫

4 barleycorn

i do call it that sometimes, which is fun

I'm more impressed at their ability to ignore optics and throw all subtlety out the window.

Kind of a blessing really, so much easier to oute them.

I really miss the days back when these guys' go-to was to screech "but muh freeze peach!" and "victimless crime!" instead of holding everyone's kids' hostage with rape threats.

Back then, you could at least squint a little and the optics would make some sense. It made the drama not so one-sided.


Sir, have you simply tried not thinking about fucking kids?


not the heckin neuronarios!!!


Wow, they are literally just openly admitting it lmao

I totally forgot ai dungeon was a thing. Wasn't it able to run for free on Google servers until the main dev got greedy and wanted some cash?

Edit: holy shit the real drama is that the devs can now read unpublished stories made by people. The reddit forum for this is very very upset right now

It still runs free if you use the more basic language model, the devs said that the more advanced AIs were taking too much power to be offered for free and implemented some sort of subscription framework. I think that really did a number on their userbase because from what I've observed on the sub it seems like the only people who still use it are weebs and cumbrains.

Just wait till the dev reads the story where the AI sent five kids to Iraq and they all got killed by ISIS

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LOL at everyone who thought their private stories were actually private. Nothing cloud-based is ever private. Ever. GPT's inputs and outputs are pored over by researchers all the time, on a continuous basis, because they're constantly adapting and revising the model. You're paying a subscription to these people when you're actually the one providing them a service by performing free crowdsourced work. Too bad neural networks are computationally expensive as hell to run and we'll probably end up accelerating climate change with them unless Moore's Law holds on just long enough to make these things even slightly practical.

Oh, and Latitude/OpenAI? Just FYI, it's impossible to "abuse" text. Words on a page are not actually people. For the record, I can walk into any library or any bookstore and pick up novels right off a shelf with no warning labels on them that contain raunchy sex, eye-searing rape, graphic child abuse, and all manner of awful things. This idea promoted by American corporate culture that mobile apps, social media, and web apps need to be utterly sterilized of anything even vaguely offensive or mentally stimulating is a fucking cancer. You are promoting bland cultural homogenization and the corporate "Global Brazil", and you ought to be ashamed of it.

haha wtf is "global brazil"

Maybe the totalitarian dystopia in the movie Brazil?

Someone pls explain to me how this game is not inferior to God Howard's Skyrim and Fallout 4

I didn't know dedicated dramatards were so into ai dungeon.

Just watch anime like all the other pedos stupid

Uh OP wanna tell us something?

Ugh they just keep making ai dungeon worse 😒 This is why you never put Mormons in charge of anything