There is an r askreddit post called "guys that pay for Only Fans, why?". Sort by controversial for your viewing pleasure.

1  2021-04-29 by busslordlowkeybussin

I would link or upload pics but neither of those work anymore.


Guys that pay for only fans are the lowest form of life. They're possibly more pathetic than actual cuckolds, who are generally just on a journey to becoming homosexuals.

There is more free porn that anyone could ever want. It comes in every variety you could imagine. If you want more than porn and have the money to pay for it, prostitutes are very available and are willing to engage in whatever degenerate bullshit you can conceive of.

Choosing to pay cam whores can only come from a sick desire for a kind of pseudo-intimacy combined with being so rslurred that you don't actually understand what intimacy is or how freely available it is.

If you ever find yourself looking at American women with disgust, keep in mind that this is what passes for a man here. Honestly, the gals over at FDS may be on to something.

it's the same people that pay money for access to a chat room on twitch. Just desperate for... attention?

Lots of ways to get attention. Posting the gamer word is free.

This is about feeling connected to another specific human being in an incredibly disconnected and maladaptive way. Or, if you prefer, getting attention from another specific human being in an incredibly disconnected and maladaptive way.

It's the product of a thoroughly broken mental state, and pathetic to boot.

I’ve paid for a few onlyfans of random broads I wanted to see naked, but after I see all of their content, I cancel my subscription and dispute the charges

You had me until that last sentence

I can only speak my truth bb. I've recently come to the conclusion that modern American women, especially late Gen Xers and millenials, may have gotten screwed over more than anyone by the past several decades of decline.

The US government, it's schools, all of media, and major corporations all worked together to convince women to ignore all the time-sensitive stuff that has traditionally given life meaning and a person feelings of fulfillment in favor or working pointless white collar wagie jobs.

The sad eyes of a 43 year old woman with a timid line about wanting kids "someday" in her bumble profile are the most poignant symbol of America's evil that I've noticed in awhile. It bums me out.

The sad eyes of a 43 year old woman with a timid line about wanting kids "someday" in her bumble profile are the most poignant symbol of America's evil that I've noticed in awhile. It bums me out.

Fuck that is kinda sad. Must hurt playing mommy as a kid with dolls, thinking she can't wait have the real thing one day then never getting it.

Must be even worse turning 60. That company you dedicated your life to for no discernible reason doesn't want you anymore. You were encouraged (and these women almost universally prefer) to work for a massive company instead of starting your own thing, so you're out on your ass. Your wine aunt schtick has gotten gross because not even the most desperate young guys are willing to go there, not to mention that you lost any actual interest ages ago. Everything hurts and the only thing you have to look forward to is spending the rest of your life alone.

The worst part is, there is no one to take care of you. So you go to an old folks home. You worked your whole life so you can afford a decent life there, right? Wrong. Nursing homes are almost universally nightmares behind the scenes. To make matters worse you're an old white lady and the almost-entirely-minority staff has a media machine conditioning them to hate you. And there is no one to check in on you, so they can neglect you as much as they want and no one will ever do anything about it. You can't even enjoy drifting off into oxy oblivion because your nurses steal your pain pills and the only people you can complain to are those same nurses.

Eventually you die at like 80. Maybe you get lucky and they just forgot you outside where you freeze to death slowly while rodents eat your toes. Maybe you get less lucky and the neck beard orderly that rapes you for the memes punctures something in your asshole with the action figure he sticks up there and you slowly die of sepsis and he makes sure you don't get any care so no one finds out.

You die without ceremony or attention, alone. Even if you had nieces or nephews they aren't thinking about you at this point so you don't even have a funeral. You either end up with the kind of burial unclaimed indigents get, or you place one final burden on those neices and nephews by having them spread your ashes somewhere memey that you thinks makes you sound exciting. And they only half-ass that because the $4500 bucks you have left for them to split, after the nursing home drained you dry, makes it seem like a hassle.

All so you could be a faceless middle manager at some massive corporation that made no difference in the world at all.

And it would be funny if you chose that. But the fact that huge amounts of government money was dedicated to tricking you into it just makes the whole thing incredibly evil.

Thanks for this. I’m gonna call my aunt and tell her I love her.

You're a good guy.

I would link or upload pics but neither of those work anymore

Can the chadmins finally just end us

Wait, I thought you could still upload pics if you blurted out the usernames

My pic posts always get auto jannied.

How long has this been going on for? I managed to make a pic post just a day or two ago.

A week or 2? Maybe it's just my account.

Just yell em out?

Paying for porn is like paying for half a job. I'm still having to do the heavy lifting. You wouldn't pay a tiler to just deliver the tile and grout for your shower. Why would you pay a sex worker for no sex?