New trailer of Castlevania gets released, however fantasy sub has to discuss comic book writer Wa*ren Ellis

1  2021-04-30 by tiptopkitkat

In case you didnt know Ellis is a pretty famous comics writer , in charge of Castlevania's screenplay. Ellis had to step down in the middle of season 4 because women came out allegations of sexual harassment.

So what did he do, so basically he slept around with 100 women, mostly his fans who were in their twenties. Some of them benefited from this because he gave regular shout outs to their work.

“It had never really occurred to me that other people didn’t see it the same way—that I was not engaging as an equal when gifted with attention, but acting from a position of power and privilege,” Ellis wrote in a response to the accusations at the time. “I did not take that into account in a number of my personal interactions and this was a mistake and I own it.”

This is such a step-down from a person who wrote a series about a drug addled ultra violent ultra filthy reporter.


Leftoids and treating women like they have the mental faculties of children, name a more iconic duo.

Is there a reason to assume w*men are capable of higher thought?

This observation about women probably worked better before the entire American population was infantalized.

Man, there is probably a neat tslur take in that, but sadly reddit frown on that, and I want to continue posting fbi stats on this account.

Women cannot consent to sexual activities under any circumstances. Except for onlyfans.

That's male authors of all political factions

People are reading men are better than women by dick mssterson

good grief

gimme breadcrumbs.

also we seem to have somewhat similar intersts.

Should we just skip the drama this one time and talk about Warren Ellis comics? He was my favorite for a little while. At the very least I think he does pseudo-gritty scifi better than anyone else, even if I often come away from his books wishing the villain had won.

Should we just skip the drama


no but seriously watching women have buyers remorse over fucking a guy is so hilarious.

He was my favorite before I knew who he was a decade later. I got into Doom 2099 as a kid, which was all about Doctor Doom traveling to the year 2099 and taking back his country.

It wasn't till I read Planetary that I actually took note of who the writer was. Fuck that series is so good. I'm a sucker for everything he has written, to my own detriment. Really liked projects he gave up on partway through like Desolation Jones and Fell.

Hopefully he's 100% cancelled outside of writing independent comics and I can actually read some of his shit again if he's not on TV projects. He could spray paint his name on a burned out RV and my dumb ass would buy it.

Yeah, Planetary is great. Though it's honestly one more example of an Ellis comic where, in my heart, I'm kind of pulling for the bad guys.

And, I mean, I was always the kind of kid that cheered for the villain. But that's not what I'm talking about here. I love Ellis for his concepts and settings but the kind of people he finds sympathetic and the kind of people I find sympathetic are so different.

Look at Planetary. A group of "chosen one" century babies enforcing some vision on the world (many of whom seem like cunts to me, based on The Authority) vs a group of 4 people who worked their asses off to become great, made a deal for more power, and then circumvented fate and the world to take over everything.

Yeah they were dicks, but I connected with them way more.

In fairness, only Elijah was a century baby. I liked the concept of them being the manifestation of the planets auto immune system though. The villains were pretty flat, and unless you kept in mind that they were the FF4 but EVIL, they had next to no characterization themselves.

I think for myself a great example of what you mean is John Horus from Black Summer. He ran a one man coup against the US, and it came off as pretty fucking justified while being one of the two antagonists. And man, that art! Jesus that book looked good.

Closest writer to what he does is probably Jonathan Hickman, with The Manhattan Projects primarily and East of West to a lesser degree. I haven't read many comics in awhile, but not I'm feeling in itch, haha.

His Transmetropolitan was so good. Castlevania is one of the very few anime (I like 4/5 max) I can watch, later I realized , Ellis is writing it and then I realized that is the reason I can watch it.

Just go to Fantasy sub and search for Castlevania.

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. New trailer of Castlevania gets rel... -,*

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