Proof this website leans moderately left according to some website I found

1  2021-04-30 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


57% of the news articles posted in 🏴‍☠️/drama are Left leaning

LMAO, poor robot doesn't understand what for they are posted!

contrasting subreddits


Uhh guess we’ll be around for a bit longer, ladies(men) and gentle(wo)men

I'm fucking proud of you(s)

And by “website I meant “subreddit”

Ok boomer

Pizzashill alone drug it ten points away from red.

I’m surprised all the Wikipedia links didn’t make an impact

They post really weird websites like The Federalist and I dont even need to read that site to know it is a few pms from being banned sitewide.

didn't know dramana*ts are this based, but thanks for sharing

Does that mean radical centrism also has a left-wing bias?

Similar subreddits


Men of culture.

Considering half of them are to laugh at probably not.

I’m just happy despite a few people at worst most of us are moderately leaning either way politically. There’s no real r-slur-adtion (in the same way most of this site is r-slurred at least). This is why we need to keep it restricted to not allow the refugees in. I don’t want wokies and I don’t want mdefugees to shit on our walls here.

Really sucks that the sub is in a limbo like this, but I guess you're right, the alternative could be much worse.

I do miss lolcows but shits kind of a powder keg right now

A man really can't have fun these days.

get a dragon dildo and a drum of KY and you can make your own fun

Not really into blasting my own bussy. I guess I'll stick to porn.

I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Proof this website leans moderately... -,*

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According to this shit, conservative upvotes more left leaning stuff than politics upvotes right leaning stuff. lol.


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