Paypigs start to revolt against their kween in arr Lauren Southern.

1  2021-05-02 by __TIE_Guy

As per above


Ton's of juicy posts filled with tangible seethe.

I also got a DM from one of her simps regarding a previous post

Imagine considering yourself a right wing man and letting a woman tell you what to do. I feel like these types fundamentally don't understand their own ideology.

And that goes for Republican Party leaders and media figures that try to push a woman to the forefront every so often.

I feel like these types fundamentally don't understand their own ideology.

It's almost like... a bunch of lonely, no personalities autists just fall into political camps to identify in so they can scream at the other side as some sort of "red vs blue" past time.

These people can't formulate their own opinions without a youtuber or twittercel validating them.

There ideology is far right, which is removed from conservatism, IMO. Most like southern here are just thots, trying to profit off hatred.

I've never personally listened to this lady say anything, but given everything I know about her life I doubt she qualifies as far right. She doesn't seem to be openly racist based on her love life.

She doesn't seem to be openly racist based on her love life.

Name one thing more racist than cucking a black woman (if that's what you're insinuating).

Affirmative action 😡

I never thought of it that way. We can agree though, totally overrated and a total cunt.

It's because conservatives already lost the culture war and now they have to scramble to stand on two feet.

There's not really such a thing as "the" culture war with a set duration or victory condition, that shit ebbs and flows in perpetuity.

And liberals have been winning it since the 80s

Yes, having so many gays die of AIDS in the '80s and '90s was such a liberal win. For the decades after that you're right, though, but at least in Europe they have to resort to ever increasing authoritarian measures to stem the backlash, and sometimes miserably failing as with Brexit.

gays fucking so much there's an epidemic of an STD

Sounds like a win to me

Grids internet defense force

It never works though. When Republicans ran Palin as VP it was the only time they lost the male vote since FDR.

But you're not wrong otherwise. Trying to play the winning team's game will never work for them though. At this point I think there is an argument that the most logical strategy for Republicans is to unironically embrace open racism.

There's certainly a case to be made for the Republicans not playing the political correctness games.

I've almost written an adderral infused long post like three times meant to lay out a logical and sourced argument suggesting that Republicans would benefit electorally from becoming openly racist, but given the vibe around here lately I don't think anyone else would see the humor in it.

Well we both agree the existence of white children must be secured so I for one would be excited to read your manifesto.

Sounds like good stuff buddy but you'll need to be a little more specific, I popped over to the sub and no thread stood out.

Sorry Ley. I just noticed a ton ragging on her looks. Pretty much the top one's right now. A rather funny one is the top post

"Lauren Southern talks about the lack of Europeans in Toronto. Also: a wild balding simp appears!" The video is IMO funny/cringe.

Pretty much posts 1-14 I would say. Most are attacking her looks and her interracial marriage. For those not in the know Lauren Southern is a white supremacist and a far right political thot. In addition to seethe there is some cope here and there too.

Good stuff!

Wasn't there seething a long time ago because they found out that Southern had dated either a really dark Indian or Black guy? And her reply was "He was super republican!"

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there accusations of her fucking her way through the alt-right internet at that Torches in the Streets rally where the fat lady died?

I don't really follow e-celebs so this is all vague memory. Didn't she disappear for a couple years and then recently attempt to make a come back?

I remember this! It may have been on reddit or somewhere else. It was something along the lines of "We've all fucked a minority.... and then something to justify it followed by she's on oUr tEaM.

The guy Paul Joseph Watson, sperged out here is an archived thread

I guess this was her "I'm an enlightened centrist". He does claim to have slept with her.

I think it was Milo that exposed her sexual liasons and a scam of using her paypigs. If you Ctrl+F 'sex' in this link you see it.

She disappeared after the Christchurch terrorist attack, and came back after one year. She also removed the video that propagated the conspiracy theory of the great replacement, which motivated the terrorist. Gone for just a year. Total cunt. Got into a spat with wikipedia editors. Prior to the Atlantic did an interesting article on her. That one is funny because the guy she was fucking then was hilariously racist. Dude wouldn't eat ketchup because it was chinese. I couldn't find a better clip but here is an excerpt to see who her type was. Guy's as r-slured as they come.

Lmao how can ketchup be exclusively Chinese? Tomatoes are a new world crop.

I kid you not Ley. It was in that Atlantic article. Now, here is the implication. Lauren Southern a pseudo intellectual, picked that man, listened to his bullshit, and spread her legs. She also paid for this guy like he was some cabanna boy. Like financial fem dom, but she's being dom'd

The original word was used to describe a Chinese fish-based sauce.

There's some splurging in threads by consistent grass, but couldn't find it either

Supreme founder of Buminism. I am honored. I digress.

That's where it is! Pretty much threads 1-14. This is pretty good no?

It's better than news or music posting 👍

I feel personally attacked.

I would never 😓

I know we are lazy here in Drama, but damn, this is just beyond lazy. WTF are you even talking about? Can't you give more information?

I apologize. I thought it was evident when the top posts are all disparaging Lauren southern the subject of the sub. It's basically a simp/paypig revolt.

what is happening with Lauren Southern again and in which sub can I find this happening?


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Sorry, nothing is happening just seems part of her community is turning on her, and the other part continues to simp. An exquisite combo of seethe with some cope. However, a dash dilate would give that hmm.

Oh ok, after bitching about white culture she goes and marries an Asian. She also dated an Indian boy in college.

Obviously she is a grifter.

You know there are white supremacists (male's) who have taken women of colour as wives, even had children. It makes you wonder how much low self esteem these minorities have to have to pair up with someone who effectively hates them

Kind of like people who delude themselves with the idea, oh he/ she is nice to me.

Good point. A crumb of attention and some people are in the palm of your hand.

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