Rewatched Game of Thrones Season 8. I’m in awe.

1  2021-05-03 by WeWuzKANG5

I remember initially liking the season (it came out on my birthday, which was special!) but after rewatching it last night, I’m in awe. The scope of the season and how it adds so much context to the overall story (The spinning spiral wall symbol scene/Bran becoming King) and the overall GOT universe is awesome because the entire season serves the greater overall narrative.

Also, the tension, MY GOD THE TENSION! The drama and stakes are palpable even though most people disliked it. From the opening scene with Emilia to the ending scene with dead Emilia, I was floored with how well it was written and acted. Not even mentioning the cinematography! Despite the shots being beautifully composed (especially the grander shots of the Dragon/Emilia's Death) Everything is so grounded and dirty and lived in. There’s no sheen. It makes me feel like I’m there and this is what it’s like living under Targaryen rule.

The final episode is chefs kiss. The way the narrative simultaneously follows Jamie/Jon trying to save humanity, to the fight happening on the castle steps, to the fight happening in Jons heart is this crescendo of an orchestra where all of the instruments are shining together on a grand scale.

I’m just blown away by it and I had to get this off my chest. I think it’s my favorite television universe now. What do you guys think?

NOTE: Some salty spittoon is going through and downvoting everything. Sad to see someone who hates people enjoying things.

NOTE #2: WOW! I did not think this would blow up like this! I’m so glad it’s sparked a discussion and debate within the community. I’m happy to see that so many of you share the same sentiment towards the film as I did :)

NOTE #3: WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank you kind strangers for the rewards! I’m beyond floored right now!

NOTE #4: There’s so many new comments coming in and I wish I could respond to all of them. I’m reading and I appreciate each and every single one! May the force be with you all.


The only thing I remember from season 8 was some guy on Twitter going, "This shot needs to be taught in film school," and it was the cliche shot of one of the CGI dragons spreading its wings behind Emilia after she had just slaughtered everybody. Yea ok dude, next you'll tell me how Iron Man is like the best written character in film history.

How is this funny? It's just facts.

Anyone who doesn't like S8 deserves to live under cruel tyranny.

There is nothing funny about King Bran, this is just pasta with added ingredients though.

I thought this is a lawlzpost for a sec.

Added touches of his posting to it, but it's a spaceshit fan's post plus a couple words.

I get what you’re putting down OP

Space shit and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human species

Spaceshit 🤢🤢🤢

Even with a daddy kink, that show had too much incest for me.

I wasn’t at all expecting the finale we got with the hallway and Vader. But man, sitting in the theater and watching it unfold had me grinning like an idiot the entire time. It was pure happiness watching something I’ve wanted to see for a long time on the big screen actually happen.

Edit: HOLY CRAP 1K?!? I’ve been watching this blow up as my phone itself is also getting blown up with notifications, but THANK YOU EVERYONE!

I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Rewatched Game of Thrones Season 8.... -,*

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Where is this pasta from

The spaceshit sub.

Too dumb to find it, sorry.

Anyway, the kind of people that appreciate the Star Wars sequel is exactly the kind of person that would enjoy season 8 of GOT

This is the second time one of the approvedcels makes me physically miss pinging today btw

It was one of the top posts there today I saw it on all if that helps, I did not leave bread crumbs because those people are fucking nuts and it's their religion.

Is it arrrStarWars? Because it’s not there

It's in top of the last 24 hours.

found it. this post is almost word for word and somehow doesn't do justice of how dumb that post is.

Spaceshitcels are worse than weebs

Huh it was, I'll try to find it again in a bit.

It's literally the second post currently, there are crumbs now

Season 8 is what grrm deserves

Fat fuck is too busy jerking off his old dilapidated penis to his self-insert sex scene from the previous book to ever publish again. He deserved to see his swordshit get HOLLYWOODed.

See PB, I'm not the only one who loved it

Honestly, once the Enterprise showes up and beamed them up to go fight the Death Star, I knew the Oscars were going to pass it over because it was too good and they will never give an Oscar to Leonardo DiCaprio

He's Rhodesian ya'know.

Are those edits real or an embellishment
