Journalist goes on record as being for abandoning w*men in dangerous situations

1  2021-05-03 by red1dragon588


Isnt it a great euphemism for modern women in their 30's?

Just replace all the woodland creatures in her house with cats and its spot on.

I don't care what the "J*urnalist" says, I take ALL my life lessons from old Disney films.

Well, mostly Song of the South.

Regardless, the moral is, I'm not going to stop kissing sleeping women who have never met me. Get fucked SFGate!

I take ALL my life lessons from old Disney films.

I prefer the more ancient variant tbh:

Scholar Graham Anderson compares the story of Snow White to the Roman legend of Chione, recorded in Ovid's Metamorphoses. The name Chione means "Snow" in Greek and, in the story, she is described as the most beautiful woman in the land, so beautiful that the gods Apollo and Hermes both fell in love with her. Hermes put her to sleep with the touch of his caduceus and raped her in her sleep. Then Apollo, disguised as an old crone, approached her and raped her again. These affections led Chione to openly boast that she was more beautiful than the goddess Diana herself, resulting in Diana shooting her through the tongue with an arrow.

Keep going...

Diana didn't mean that as a vibe check, she killed the thot with that arrow, piercing the tongue was to send the message. At the funeral her father went mad with grief and tried to kill himself three times by throwing himself into the pyre, but was restrained. So then he ran to mount Parnassus and jumped off the summit. Impressed by such determination Apollo turned him into a hawk. The end.

The new ride includes a more comprehensive storyline — but that's also the problem...her "true love's kiss" to ...A kiss he gives to her without her consent, while she's asleep, which cannot possibly be true love if only one person knows it's happening.

Haven't we already agreed that consent in early Disney movies is a major issue? That blah blah blah

Still, with the twinkling lights all around and the gorgeous special effects, that final scene is beautifully executed — as long as you're watching it as a fairy tale, not a life lesson.

wait are you telling me that disney is not trying to inform me that i can make broads fall in love with me if i kiss them while they are unconscious

how could i possibly know this unless they explicitly tell it to me

If you were the sort of person like the idiot that wrote this article you would honestly believe people have to be told things like that because you'd be emotionally unstable, immature, and so lacking in morals and ethics that the only way you'd know you're not supposed to be doing something is if someone tells you you're not supposed to be doing it. They're basically sociopaths, only they're stupid sociopaths who lack the usual charm and wit that is usually observed in those who have antisocial personality disorders.

Doesn't this sad attempt at wokeness feel a little dated?

When the MeToo leaders gathered together to tell Biden's victim to go fuck herself, the premise of their movement went out the window. No one cares about rape anymore.

If you're going to try and stir shit about Snow White in 2021, you need to be asking why we're still associating whiteness with purity.

No one cares about rape anymore.

My upcoming weekend suddenly looks a lot brighter.