Another OnlyFans thot gets patrolled into oblivion; the usual crowd of malevolent and empathetic commenters come out to discuss this happening event.

1  2021-05-03 by busslordlowkeybussin


Look at that profile picture, how is her family surprised she has an OF

seems extremely unlikely that her onlyfans social media is the same as the friends & family social media

But like imagine if it was.

why's it so hard to find a partner

I hate this millennial/zoomer bullshit of calling their gf/bf even wife/husband partner.

This has got to be the most asinine thing I've seen someone get buttblasted over.

If you think this is asinine smash that subscribe button and make sure to hit the bell for even more.

Whenever I read or hear someone say it like that, I imagine a comically exaggerated old-timey western guy tipping his cowboy hat and saying "Ok, pardner".


Read the sidebar, plebe.

literally no u

Mom, tell Kermie to stop copying me!

Why do people that never get laid worry about this

That Instagram is amazing πŸ˜‚

Knew you'd like it 😘

Male version

Luv u bae 😘

When will these morons realize they're not sex workers. they're not porn stars. Those women in porn or hooking deserve protection and respect. These women pretend like they don't have it. Does she need to sell her body for money, probably not. She obviously comes from a family that is ashamed so there are some implications there.

Also thanks for the post op, as alway's keep it busy bussin

Only cause I know you enjoy them 😘

As do all dramanauts.

Based and community pilled.

Dudes posting Ls is pathetic. There are far too many simps and wimps for it to be that lame. Look up dudesinthedm, she might be an OFT but she at least posts some better ones than that

Just checked her out and followed for later browsing. Thanks for the tip.

Here are direct responses to her account:

archive the insta, shit asks for a login now

Oh my god are we gonna finally start talking about the r slur that is James Healy?

Because holy shit that's something I've been wanting to just shit out onto this godforsaken subreddit.

Please make a post. I need this drama;

I'm not sure who that is but I am intrigued. You should make a post.

He's the guy that runs Women Posting L's, he's a really work of art.

If he is an r-slur then he's the most brilliant and useful r-slur of all time. If the federal government is going to give grants to shitty artists I'd like to see it go to someone like him who is engaged in this sort of performance art. Just based on that account I have concluded the man should be regarded as a national treasure.

I will shame you until you make a post about it, you lazy r-slur.

Don't worry I'm currently getting all the info and stuff I need from people I know and I'm friends with who've sort been forced to deal with him

Nice! Actually looking forward to this one

Please make a post lmao

This country is disgusting. You KNOW her boomer ass parents suggested she lift herself up by her boot straps. But since they didn’t read to her when she was little she reached for bondage straps instead.

Those parents know when to cut their losses.

Sex workers deserve to be joked on. It’s immoral, in some cases illegal, and it should never be considered a real job. This used to be the prevailing mindset in America for centuries but now, it seems people are becoming more and more corrupt by the day.

This dude posts reviews of Sonic toys and he thinks the onlythots are degenerate.

What zero self awareness does to a mfer


Harley Quinn was a highly respected top-tier psychiatrist (like, M.D. and Ph.D.) for the criminally insane before the Joker broke her. That resonates with fem-slurs with the reasoning of "I'd be a professionally successful genius too if only men in my life didn't drive me crazy".

That's almost dumb enough that I could believe some women think that way.

Capeshit insidiously affects us all. For example, I subconsciously believe I'd be a wealthy, attractive bachelor if only my parents died when I was young.

So did the Menendez brothers!


I like the non-canonical version where she leaves the Joker and he doesn't even notice. Then he sees some other blond thot he mistakes for her and she just rolls with it.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Another OnlyFans thot gets patrolle... -,*

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What is with this obsession with Harley Quinn? White girls are so basic.

Coomer guilt strikes again.

Incredible lmao.