Check other discussions to see who is a supporter of domestic terrorism. Then go report them ASAP.

1  2021-05-03 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Oh boy, let's use an instance when literally two people died to increase our surveillance state.

Also INB4 the MSM starts going to bat for this and people agree it's important to stop the 'domestic terrorism' boogeyman.

Shame Greenwald isn't still around to dunk on it.

If you don't have anything to hide you don't have anything to worry about. Do you want the terrorists to win?

... which ones?

And they killed one of those people 😂

Isn't Greenwald on stack exchange or something now?

He's doing bathtub videos on Twitch now

Is it some bubble bullshit or can you see the goods?

GOOD question. I would be interested in the answer too.

They really trying to convince me that this is new and not just a chance for them to be honest about it now that their base is totally cool with the war on terror by at home?

All contracted private companies are basically Blackwater. That locally-owned construction firm repairing the electrical water? It's practically drone striking weddings and ICUs in Iranistan RIGHT NOW.


This is the end of Drama

I wonder if private contractors will still be covered by the "I was just baiting terrorists" excuse. If not then it will be a marked improvement on how FBI operates tbh, that literally rslurred Muslim guy that they had to give money to repair his car comes to mind.

is cockteasing the feds a crime

We're going back to the era of Pinkerton. Is Biden the libertarian candidate this country has been waiting for?

And you guys say I'm being ridiculous when I suggest we're living in a dystopia.