Brave calorie depository comes out as anorexic to the surprise of most people who have seen her pictures.

1  2021-05-04 by busslordlowkeybussin


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Cutie 🥰

Shitposting Aussie strikes again at the people of freedom.

Being so fat that you have to hide your entire body up to your chin(s) in your profile pic is a great bit.

I have no problem referring to Tess as mentally ill from now on. She should probably be careful how she requests to be identified, some people might comply.

Well it looks like she beat it. You go girl!

Edit: as a former food confused hoe, it pisses me off that they never LARP having bulimia or BED or EDNOS. They go for the glamorous one.

Edit 2: she says her “technical diagnosis is anorexia nervosa” but that requires you are underweight. She does not have that Dx, she is lying. If you are not underweight you can have what is called “atypical anorexia”. She is full of 💩 and no doctor gave her a diagnosis and it is not in her medical records, I assure you.

Source: used to be weird with food, now work in healthcare

Source: used to be weird with food, now work in healthcare

nurse detected

Always the same isn’t it

I can smell the nurse from a thousand miles.

Duh, she's an attention whore


Medical explanation:

Not the “but your fat how are you anorexic” comments. Y’all don’t know how science & body works huh. My technical diagnosis is anorexia nervosa & yes, I’m still not ashamed. I’m too damn happy for y’all to even come close to dimming my shine.

Part 2:

To all those saying she can’t be anorexic because she’s large: there’s a disorder listed in DSM5 called atypical anorexia nervosa... which is when the patient meets all the criteria for anorexia except the low weight. Still considered anorexic.

Counter medical argument:

Tess 😰 why u lying? Oh wait,, i have the answer . . U crave attention and sympathy from ppl therefore u fake a diagnoses. I DO know how science and body work. Ur saying that so that anyone who corrects u gets told that they dont know how bodies work 1/?

Part 2:

According to DSM-5 (official diagnosis used by psychologists) you failed every criteria so STOP LYING! I HAD THIS AS A TEEN and the last thing a person with Anorexia Nervosa would do is model for photos while being fat. Do research before making up an illness for attention. Liar

Old f*tphobia drama about a dress:

Every time I see someone losing their mind over “the strawberry dress” I get furious that Tess Holiday wore this dress back in JANUARY and no one said a thing, and now that a bunch of skinny TikTok girls have it, it’s suddenly the hot item. the fat phobia is not it guys.

Old accusations of racism and bullying

Tess Holiday sent her fans at me for pointing out her racism and saying she was a bad role model! like on GOD I got death threats but they wanna talk about anti-bullying and being kind. alright

we would starve without your contributions

We could, alternatively, just eat Tess Holliday.

Standards bro.

Pass the gravy brother


An anorexic with the physique of Mick Foley has got to be the worst anorexic in human history.

>takes out her puppet, Mr. Snacko, and immediately stuffs him into her own mouth

if we let this bltch be, "anorexic", why can't dolezal be bl*ck?

I'm just axin questions

>implying that B*sketball Queen Rachel was never melanated in the first place 🙄

I tried cocaine one time and after that I checked myself in to a Betty Ford clinic for my hardcore cocaine addiction

I tried cocaine once. After that I decided to stop trying it and just go ahead and use it. That decision made a world of difference in my life. Don't let your dreams be dreams when you can cut them into a fine powder and snort them up your nose.


so she was never body positive, a fraud

There isn’t a single fat person on the planet who is honestly claiming they love themselves. Most of them and certainly every “body positive” fatty loathes themself.

If you truly love yourself you would get in better shape.

Reminds me of a story.

2 guys are on lunch break...

Guy 1: "You shouldn't eat that. It's unhealthy."

Guy 2: "Are you kidding? My granddad lived to 105."

Guy 1: "Really, with a diet like that?"

Guy 2: "No, by minding his own fucking business."


Fatoid “humor” 🤮🤮🤮

Don't anorexics see themselves as fatter than they really are? She must just look in the mirror and see a perfect circle

I'm happy she finally put it out there, she was looking thinner than ever and it was honestly making me uncomfortable.

I've been using obese fake ana munchies as fatspo to finally lose the weight I put on a few years back. Thank you for ur contributions Tess 🥰

Why are so many people in the comments talking about erectile dysfunction?
I had an ED, this. I suffer from an ED, that.

Why are so many people in the comments talking about erectile dysfunction?

Because that land whale and a stiff dick have never been in the same room together?

Eating Disorder.

I was making a shitty joke

Lol my bad.

Damn that's gotta suck, being anorexic without being skinny, like what's the point?

I'm finally able to care for a body that I've punished my entire life & I am finally free.

The only thing this woman has ever punished is a scale. CAT Scales won't even do business with her because she keeps coming in over the FTSA weight limit for freight.

anorexic & in recovery

May have overshot the recovery somewhat

Is this some sort of Divine Intervention by making a fat positivity activist anorexic?


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