Perpetual fuckboy, Drizzy Drake takes time off making heartbroken music to break some hearts. Singer Naomi Sharon and her then fiance Jamie Sun thought they were being flown to his studio in a private jet; instead they flew right into his cuckweb.

1  2021-05-05 by busslordlowkeybussin


8-year engagement

Sure, it was Drake's fault they aren't together

Could be an 8 year long relationship that only recently became an engagement.

Isn’t she a little old for Drake?

It's tough to say which Drake likes more. Underage girls or fucking people's exes. I guess he has time to kill until Millie Bobby Brown turns 18.

I'll never be able to understand white knight logic.

"This doesn't count as cheating because Drake created a weird power balance. She fucked him because she wanted to be on the album!"

Most things in life are transactional to some extent, that doesn't remove your agency.

And I call this white knight logic because no woman actually believes it.

I'll never be able to understand white knight logic.

They need to believe in the Disney version of love. That they are the good guy and the good guy wins. They need to believe that women are princesses.

If only men understood that women are pretty similar to them, women cheat just as often as men. They're just better at it.

women are pretty similar to men

That's not true either though. Men and women are very different. Holding women to the same standard you hold men will also lead to disappointment.

I meant sexually. The stereotype is that men think about sex non-stop. If that's true then why would women be any different. They aren't some different species.

Oh, that stereotype isn't true of men either though.

Though arguably women think about sex way more if you include relationships (which are inherently sexual).

Women talk about sex and relationships pretty much constantly. You could take a mixed group of married and single guys and throw them together for a very long time without sex or relationships ever coming up.

Ironically, reality never passes the Bechdel test.

Yeh that's a good point. It's also pretty bad that both my comments were so general and vague. Not sure how this led here lol but the original point stands; white knights are trash.

White Knights are to blame for almost everything. 😡

But... Bad mothers are probably to blame for white knights 🤔

Women are to blame for almost everything. 😡

If only men understood that women are pretty similar to them,

This is discrimination against men.

women cheat just as often as men

who hurt u brother

Life hits you hard. Next minute you're drinking alone listening to Marvin's Room.

But fr it's my radical centrism bleeding through. Even though there are social issues, I think women are just as good and just as bad as men. Either that or I'm projecting my own scumbag nature lol.

in my admittedly anecdotal experience

men cheat much more than women, but women emotionally manipulate much more than men. I know like dozens of men who are married to and/or having children with women who have practically given them an emotional lobotomy.

given them an emotional lobotomy.

That is a concerning thing to hear about marriage. From my anecdotal experience I know just as many women who have cheated. One bragged about her husband "he's a guy he doesn't notice."

I guess you gotta take every person as a unique individual and hope for the best.

yeah I've been married for 6 years and I love my wife but straight up: how a girl acts as your girlfriend probably ain't how she's gonna' act as your wife. thems the facts

yeah I've been married for 6 years

I forget this sub is full of responsible adults sometimes. When I first came here I assumed it was all late teen/early 20's edgelords. I think I prefer not knowing any personal info about anyone.

It was edgy 20 somethings a few years ago. And then depressingly few people left.

There's a pic of a dram Meetup. I think if you search "Lexington meetup"you'll see us.

between this chick's face, the stranger things 12 year old drake is grooming, and the girl drake famously knocked up (re: pusha t thing), I'm starting to think drake just prefers ugly women. each one more busted than the last