Is there an actual good reason that “promoting violence” isn’t allowed on reddit?

1  2021-05-05 by Llamayoda

Everywhere I go I see violence. I go to the movie theater, I see violence, I turn on the tv, I see violence, I go play video games with some friends, I see violence.

I don’t think I’m crazy then for thinking our society loves violence, and that the commodification of it is a way of promoting it.

And then when it comes to real world, every single standard is enforced with violence. If I want to drop my pants and take a shit on the lawn of a politician I don’t like, I will be met with the cops, who will use violence if I don’t stop.

So is there an actual ethical reason why promoting violence is wrong given this society that we live in?


The internet is designed to neuter any aggressive masculinity. Instead you are supposed to push socialist agendas and jerk off to intelligence run pornography that is promoting and weaponizing fetishes.