Drama gets a shout out from the loco-locomotive who freaked out at popeyes a few days ago, along with more context, and views on politics and social issues!

1  2021-05-06 by mugiamagi


This shit is definitely a mental illness. Also that fuckin accent man.

My theory is microplastics and pollutants interact with us a lot more than they're letting on.

Pesticides are turning our honeybees into trains.

Weren't microplastics found in all the fish we eat. This disturbed me first time I read it.

A study from 2007 by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that PFAS chemicals could be detected in the blood of 98% of the US population.


Microplastics are literally everywhere, including at the very top of watersheds, as the smallest particles can be carried through the air.

Humanity is creating a geologic layer of plastic, which will fascinate the alien visitors to Earth after we're gone. TBH, it probably won't have been the first time they've seen it happen.

all the fish you eat

the pesticides are turning the frogs gay, unironically


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“I don’t consent to you calling me certain pronouns”

Forced vocal penetration of my ears with yucky words 😖 that’s verbal r*pe, xir, and you’re going to jail!

Unsurprisingly a lot more probably happened before the video started, the cashier being an asshole and challenging them to a fight. This however is buried in ecig hits, complete bastardization of the term gaslighting, condemnations of social and economic norms, and heaps of "woe is me".

Those armpits 🤢

I want to drink the sweat that dribbles down zir's hairy stalactites.

The mental illness is real. She looks like a meth head who sleeps in the desert and probably smells like piss and sweat. 🤮🤮🤮

Someone tell me what we got a shout out for? I’m to lazy to watch the whole thing rn.

It's timestamped in the link. 4:05

There's something very pleasant about videos of crazy people. It puts a humorous face on the widespread mental illness and cultural decline that can otherwise be a gloomy subject.

Imagine how much funnier things are going to be in 10 years.

Pretty spot on.

oohh good call




"obviously" Clear mental illness in denying reality. They look like a dude and androgynous clothing, how the fuck is a normal person supposed to know?

The only obviously thing is the egotistic behavior and anti-social behavior.

What is the back story on this ? I dont even know who this person is.

I can’t even fucking look at this one. Be hotter or something, insha'Allah

I clicked for the eyebrows.

Fuck you for making me watch that longer than 30 seconds hoping she'd actually say PIRATE SAYING drama.
