Changed Athlete to be an Olympian and crush all competition.

1  2021-05-06 by 911roofer


here's my favorite female powerlifter April Mathis

(she's on the left)

When you look like George Constanza your options are limited.

She passes better than any MFT I've ever seen. She even has her hairline on lock


Edit: appears from my quickly googling she is a biological woman, wow

OTOH there's this

Yes I am a woman, you got a problem with that?

Steroids showing off their physical and psychological effects

Jesus lol

And everyone knows that you can't lie on youtube. That is definitely her.

I refuse to believe this

was a biological woman, bigot

Imagine taking enough male hormones to be able lift and and look like that and still having to deal with Tphobes like you.

Nice side-boob, I've got to admit.

Mines Jason Genova.

Ever since the controversy started I've been waiting for a powerful woman to win a medal at the Olympics. I hope all social media will be as unreadable as I pray it will be.

This is a clever trick as explained by someone on /sp/ . Shes 40+ so shes not in her prime and not going to win any medals. But, then her not winning anything is proof that locomotives are not a threat to non locomotives. Thus this steam locomotive successfully paves the way to the much better diesel and electric locomotives.

Eh, I'm still waiting for the mag-lev locomotives.

South Park predicted this

Idk she's in her 40s, it might be closer than you think. But if a middle aged choo choo can lift harder than a 25 year old woman on steroids it'll cause mass seethe.

stunning and brave

Looks like Lurch from the Goonies.

She's 43 too lmao. This 43 year old choochoo is gonna crush the dreams of some fit 23 year old olympian who spent her whole life for this moment. lol


Life truly does imitate South Park.

4th out of 14 for a lifelong weightliftoid is weak bait, even tho this queen is in her 40s