Redditors 👶🏻 in rrrrNews are defending a serial rapist and convicted murderer after DNA 🧬 shows another man’s👨🏻 DNA 🧬 was found on the weapon

1  2021-05-07 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

Just go to that sub 🚇 and see the top 🔝 story. Murder weapon was a tire thumper given to the victim 🙋🏼‍♀️ by her ex-boyfriend 🙋🏻‍♂️. Multiple witnesses saw the defendant 🙋🏿‍♂️near the victim’s home 🏡 at the time ⏰ of the murder ☠️ and he was caught an hour later with $300 💵 of the victim’s money 💰. He was later convicted of two other rapes and avoided another rape/murder that was eerily 😱 similar to the first murder ☠️ charge that landed him in prison on death row.


Sorry, can't be fucked to decipher your goddamn hieroglyphics.

HodortheEyeRaper, amirite?

Read around them.

Half the fucking comments are bringing up pro-lifers for no reason. God i hate r*dditors

When they call the pro lifers hypocrites for being for the death penalty doesn't that negate the whole argument that abortion isn't killing a human being?

No, because the criticism is that if the pro-lifers find all lives precious then all pro-lifers must be against killing human beings for any reason because all lives are precious. The critics are saying if you believe abortion is murder then you believe the death penalty is murder. It’s a dumb argument because the pro-lifer is defending the defenseless fetus whereas the person on death row is merely defenseless because he has put himself there in that position. The fetus and the inmate are not the same but the pro-choicer makes the false equivalence in order to “win” the argument.

The 1st job I had after getting my masters out of college was for the Kentucky penal system. I did that for 3 years from the age of 23 until I was 26. After doing that and interacting with the people incarcerated I'm against the electric chair. I'm way more in favor of the electric bleachers.

I think a lot of these people have never really interacted with violent sociopaths in real life. My father is a diehard liberal but he was also a federal PO and dealt with a lot of truly shitty people. On a side note, I find it funny how Reddit wants to murder all rapists yet are appalled at murderers that receive the death penalty for their crimes.

That's all well and good sweaty but that poor murderer is black have you considered that?

Let them take their raper-rations.

we bringing back firing squad btw (based)

Pro-choicers are psychotic like that when they try to equate a baby and a serial rapist as the same thing.

Fetus isn’t a baby or a person for that matter.

But they're smarter than you, so.

It is to a pro-lifer so when your argument is anything but "a fetus isn't a person" you're arguing from the position that it is. So when you say pro-lifers should be against the death penalty you are in fact equating a baby and a serial rapist

Did they ask to be born a murderer?


There are many people who have been falsely convicted, so death penalty by that definition means you have falsely killed innocent people.

Also innocents are killed in war.

How do you know that fetus wont kill the mother.

I am totally ok with the logic if you are against abortion then you need to be against war and death penalty.

Abortion is about killing Black bodies.

R*dditors will soon be struck, Inshallah.

did you see the thread where they are using literal quotes from the lord of the rings to justify their stance on death penalty.

And these people are the ones voting and on juries. Fuck me.

Democracy was a mistake.

You can literally see it in his eyes. Fucking heartbreaking.

1 downvote to 0

*Why down vote? Look into his eyes and tell me that's not a guys saying: I didn't do it, why the fuck is this happening?

The guy looked like he ate babies and every single person defending him would have walked to the other side of the street when they saw him coming their way if they actually went out.

The poor brave redditor who pointed out his extensive criminal record and history of doing the exact crimes he was executed for is at -22 -38 ...

Vigo was a kind and just king and the people of Carpathia framed and murdered him out of jealousy.

The original quote was actually, "On a mountain of kittens, in the castle of friendship, I sat on a throne of marshmallows! What was will be! What is will be better! Now is the season of FUN and SHARING!"

why the fuck is this happening?

Very unracist redditor definitely does not infantilize black people

You see this all the time. I remember when they canceled orcs of all things because they said they were racist. I think maybe if you associate a fictional tusked savage murdering race with black people then maybe, just maybe you're the one who's really racist.

Even Wikipedia agrees he probably did it.

May Yakub strike you down for your autism.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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The murder case is actually super wonky. For starters his defense attorney was an alcoholic who showed to court drunk af and they wouldn’t let him recuse himself from trying to defend someone and let Lee get a new lawyer.

Multiple witnesses saw the defendant near the victim’s home

He was their neighbor.

he was caught an hour later with $300 of the victim’s money

Possibly. They were a few serial numbers away from some bills that were in her house that weren’t stolen but it wasn’t in sequence or anything.

no physical evidence was ever produced that connected Mr. Lee to Ms. Reese’s murder. In a summary of the case, the group also outlined obstacles that Mr. Lee had faced over the years, including a lawyer who was drunk and unprepared at court hearings, unreliable neighborhood eyewitnesses and conflicts of interest for key players.

No evidence he was at the scene directly. During his first trial multiple witnesses said he was elsewhere and testified to it. His drunkard lawyer didn’t set them up to be able to be recalled for his second trials.

Along with providing new DNA results, Ms. Young’s petition pushed the city of Jacksonville to compare fingerprints from the crime scene to a state and national fingerprint database for the first time. It has long been established that Mr. Lee’s fingerprints did not match any of those at the scene.

His prints also were not anywhere at the crime scene. Including on the murder weapon, yet someone unknowns print were on the murder weapon and elsewhere at the scene.


On the two rapes he had been convicted of, the women didn’t actually identify him at trial themselves and it was just the state saying it was him from what I can find, yet he was still convicted. He may have done those idk. Jury was also coming off OJ’s ass getting off and were convicting black men left and right at the time after OJ got off. Although one did identify him after he was convicted and she was testifying at the trial that ended with him in death row. I’m inclined to believe he may be a rapist and deserved to be in prison for it. Not as much convinced on the breaking and entering murder tho.


The judge in his murder trial was also sleeping with the prosecutor trying the case. Even when it was brought up it was deemed “not an actual conflict” or enough of one for a retrial.

Assuming you read the same Wikipedia article I did, you can see at the bottom that there's a moderate possibility of his blood being present. You know, the kind of thing an intellectually honest person would mention.

Drunken slut lawyers? Sign me up.