Now fired, self proclaimed “TheM*gaMan” goes on a one man freak out in Costco about not wearing a mask while filming himself as everyone in the store makes fun of him for being a man child instead of joining his cause.

1  2021-05-08 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


This is the same guy who was married to a black woman and has mixed kids. He’s now getting divorced because he decided to use his mixed son in videos last summer where he was saying racist stuff and then being like I CaNt SaY rAcIsT tHiNgS I HaVe a PaRt BlAcK kId!1!. Obviously his wife didn’t like him using their child as a prop and putting their kids face out there to try to shield him while he films himself saying dumb to super racist stuff online.


  1. Him complaining about getting fired with a voiceover not sure where the original of this one went.

  2. Him whining people are saying he deserved to get fired. Goes on to say “think of my children I have to support”. Maybe he should think about the children he has to support before he goes out filming himself being a j*class in public.

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Now fired, self proclaimed “TheM*ga... -,*

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Costco attacked by Dwarf


It has to be exhausting being mcfluff

I got it all from one comment section tbh but yeah.

Lmao manlet

