[Actual Drama] "Invincible" vs. "Superman and Lois" Discussion Review

1  2021-05-08 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

Both have Super Dads. Discuss.


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. [Actual Drama] "Invincible" vs. "Su... - archive.org, archive.today*

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lol it's uncanny

I'm gonna use your terrible post, for some lawlz morning philosophy, I'm waiting for the for the usual MasterLawlz's sticky and it made me think.

Redditors are actually extremely religious people, the just don't know it. Now that things have calm down a little bit, have you observe when the vaccine starting to roll off that they acted like getting an anointing of the sick, not by the P*pe, but better by the great priest Dr. F.auci (PBUH) and S.cience itself ? There were tear of joys, celebrations, scenes of hysteria, shitty memes ...but it was irrational, theses zoomies had more chance to slip in their bathtube and die than to fear the kung-flu virus given the death rate among their average age bracket.

Then the great Schism happend. People start asking innocuous questions. Devouts who got the Pfizer, were they more true to God the Science current dogma ? Are Moderna c.ucks Heretics ? Should they deserve the more adverse side effects reported in the press and less protection against variant strains ? Should we throw off the top of buildings antivaxxers Facebook boomers ?

Then the religious dress code started to get more strick. If you wear a surgical mask for a whole day , you're a wh*re sweety 😌, the Quran CDC Islamic guidelines are asking now at least for a N95 mask, no wait three N99 EVERY FOUR HOURS are A BARE MINIMUM, if you don't, you're insulting G.od and putting yourself at risk. An hazmat suit at Walmart might be a little much, but only G.od will judge me 😎

tl;dr : redditors are religious zeolots close to Isis 👆

I wear functional military gas masks, not because of Fauci PBUH asks me to, but because they're my fetish.

Go to bed

I did and both shows still exist so whose dream is whomst?

Dude Netflix added a new show yesterday called Jupiter's legacy and it's all about capeshit with daddy issues. From the 30 minutes I watched of it all it is is whining about living up to their capeshit dad. It also is absolutely hilariously awful looking . Bad wigs and terrible age make up.

I think Netflix's demographic is wine moms and teens

Invincible would be unwatchable without the gore