Notorious African man tanks his meme currency

1  2021-05-09 by Septimus_Faggotface


I’m down 3 grand and freaking out about it. Invested more than I should have and now I’m not sure if I should just cut my loses. Just don’t know what to do. Should have went in with a lot less. Really stressed out about it.

I’m sure this won’t be the last one like this. It sounds like they spent their savings/emergency fund on it. Hopefully they didn’t spend their actually bill money they need back before whenever their bills are due this month. Imagine finally having a few grand in your account extra, finally an emergency cash fund, and you decide to gamble with it like a rslur and lose it.

I spent $120 back when it was around .10. I sold a few hundred at ~.60 yesterday and made back my initial investment plus a very good profit and still have over 500 doge left.

Anyone that's losing money on doge is fucking rslurred.

* lol lots of angry people in the 🏴‍☠️/news thread.

Anyone that's losing money on doge is fucking rslurred.

Anyone who loses money on crypto period.

Yeah I bought in at .07 cents a share and after it spiked past .50 a share I decided to leave it and forget it.






Yeah I saw it dump pretty hard just like Bitcoin did at the same time

Ethereum finally going to flip?

I have no idea. Please don’t take financial advice from me.

I was not going to. My eth is all staked so I couldn't move it if I wanted to.

Then you should buy


He's now pumping it again

this is the most obvious manipulation imaginable lol

Jesus and it was the highest it's been since who knows when just yesterday.

God dammit elon I need doge to hit 10k so I can be set for life

I could have made 1800 euros but I pulled out after making 30 euros back when it was just 6 cents. I knew it will crash but I don't know when.

I bought when it was at 10 cents in January which was it's height back then before it crashed to 2 cents

Hit 10k? are you kidding me?

R DogecoinDumperLovers when <3


Wow it looks exactly like the GME threads. They really never learn do they?

Every one of these pump and dumps, stock or crypto, seems to raise its price floor. Banking on that is probably enough for some.

Other way around, the GME threads looked exactly like coin subs. Pretty sure "to the moon!” came straight from when dogecoin went from being a joke into something people wanted to hold.


Tbf chances are it's going back up in a few days. Dogecoin experienced dips like that 2 or 3 times already. I really don't get why are people so upset about people having fun and/or making money.

He's now pumping it again, and it's still bouncing around all time highs

this is the most obvious manipulation imaginable lol



I had mined 40k dogecoin back when I was a retarded college student. Sure, I couldve made a nice chunk of money, but I couldve made much more if I had been less retarded in college so I am not too broken up about it.

To be fair if you were more retarded and held on to it for years, you would have a lot of money. Cucked by mediocrity.

thats what im saying you absolute r-slur

prove it

Apparently I really should have been paying attention to the couple weirdos talking about running mining rigs in their college dorm like a decade ago.

I lost 3 dollars thanks to Elon

Did you check under the sofa?

I dream of a massive solar flare that will wipe clean every computer and hard-drive on the face of the planet.

Sol daddy pump me with solar flare 🥰

But then how would you read your daily lalwzpost?

Then the neckiest of the bearded, holed in the deepest of basements, far and protected from any kind of sunlight, would become billionaires. Is it the world you wanna see ?



What’d the space grifter do now exactly?

Treated doge coin like phedre treats lawlz. Pumped and dumped it.

Hot 🥵🥵🥵


He came out as a 4channer.

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


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lol creepto daddy loves to abuse his followers.


This thing goes over my head. I am learning forms and structure.

It's difficult, too!

Wait until you start seeing colors and recognizing faces.

Sounds dreadful.

Life’s pretty great actually

Proof that there will always be poor people in any society

Who could have seen it coming. 🙄

What if the Satoshi guy is just some troll fucking around with making meme currency to make some fancy MLM scam.



Yo dawg, we heard you lied cults. So we put a cult INSIDE your cult.

>down 60k in 10 minutes

How? Did this absolute mong wait until it was at its highest to buy in? Plebitors really do deserve the suffering they get


How much dip to buy?

Elon got B O G G E D.


I KNEW there would be good drama around this

I love the idea they have that WE HOLD will help the price of a coin with an unlimited supply

Amazes me that we went through the whole GMC/AMC/whatever else meme stock craze and people still think that they can use the "power of memes" to make themselves rich.

Maybe spend that $1k on a tech degree or a certificate in a worthwhile field instead of a coin named after an outdated meme next time? Either way, as Dogecoin goes down, Dramacoin goes up!

My marvel loving college professor said he was investing in this lmao. Should I ask him on Wednesday?

Elon will put anything in space except for crypto
