This is the guy MDEcels love

1  2021-05-11 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Why do these types of guys always be raping little girls?



if we lived together would you let me cheat on you once in a while.

How can this guy make cheating seem so cucked. You don't ask to cheat, that defeats the purpose.

The mdecel makes himself to be an even bigger cuck by trying to act like a Chad.

"They are sexualizing young girls, and it's getting to the point where even I have a problem with it." -Samuel Hyderabad

"Prank," my ass. This was a legitimate attempt to rip off a bunch of Bronies by Sam Hyde and the other unfunny manbabies over at Million Dollar Extreme. there are screenshots of Hyde and his cronies gloating, with Hyde in particular planning to pay his rent and alimony. They thought they could rip off Bronies because no one would care or come to their aid. Claiming this was a "prank" and not a full-on scam that was found out and fell through is revisionist as fuck.

what the hell is going on just below his pecs

Coronary artery disease

This is legit some last thing you see shit

I never understood this dude’s appeal, unfunny, ugly and overall disgusting. Not a surprise he’s a complete degenerate.

Because his fans are unfunny, ugly and overall disgusting.

Not a fan of his work but that Ted talk was funny. Don't miss that show though.

I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. This is the guy MDEcels love -,*

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Could you please link to a respectable site like ImgUr in the Future? I am too scared to go onto the four-chan sites. Thank you Mr Holder.

This is great lmao. WHy do wingoids always want to touch kids?

"just watch Tim Heidecker or Eric Andre"

Call the guy a rapist, but tell me Eric Andre and Tim Heidecker are more talented than Sam Hyde, and I immediately start doubting your attachment to reality.

muh 2070 Paradigm Shift

t. butthurt MDEfugee

was never on the subreddit, I started watching Sam Hyde stuff this past year

Ewww, a johnny-come-lately zoomer. That's even worse.

wait until you hear when I started posting on this sub

MDE being better than Tim and Eric has to be such an extreme minority opinion that I feel like you may be the one with the reality issues.

haha wow so quirky and random like meee

unironically more clever and biting than anything Heidecker has ever done

Showing up at some local event and rambling incoherently in front of the crowd to see if they’ll tolerate it is literally the exact same thing Heidecker does.

Acting like Hyde’s comedy isn’t the same exact “so random XD” stuff Tim and Eric do is bizarre. The difference is that Heidecker actually does funny stuff like On Cinema.

but its not incoherent, if youre not a retard you can tell what he's satirizing. Ive never seen Heidecker do the same thing, just his "oh its bizarre and quirky" skits on T&E. Ive never seen On Cinema so I wont comment on it.

I think you might be the sperg here. Hyde’s speech is bizarre and incoherent, that’s the joke. He just awkwardly rambles about nothing for 20 minutes. And I don’t know how on earth you don’t think MDE was about being as quirky, bizarre, and edgy as possible.

Heidecker does the same thing but at standup clubs, he’ll just show up and mumble a deliberately bad act about coke or something for five minutes.

he's making fun of EDx talks, and is doing a good job mocking their smug style and stupidity,


I know what the joke is, and I’m not saying it isn’t funny, but Hyde’s comedy is in the same wheelhouse as Heidecker’s so I think trying to act like it’s somehow more intelligent is kind of goofy. Like back when MDE was a thing everyone just talked about how it was rightoid T&E.

On Cinema At The Cinema is funnier than MDE

On Cinema At The Cinema

I wouldnt know, I stopped trusting Heidecker before I got to this.

I mean Eric Andre is hilarious

Also supposedly Tim is a pedo

I was meh on him, and then started watching his movie a few weeks ago and couldnt make it past 20 minutes

I would agree, but he's spending all of his time making self help tapes for disaffected teens these days.

Agreed, but you look over at Tim Heidecker these days and he’s doing interviews with teenage groypers where he teams up to try to dunk on them, and somehow ends up seething and stuttering and overall looking worse

