People of 🌽 mad they have to work

1  2021-05-11 by Iowa_Hawkeye


Iowa’s minimum wage is $7.25 shame on you.

What's the cost of living like in Iowa?

Landchad here, the going rate in rural Iowa is $400 to $800 for a 2-3 bedroom house. Apartments are sub $500 normally.

Large majority of people don’t live in rural parts though

And those people can fuck themselves.

Everyone in Iowa can as far as I’m concerned. Really shitty ass corn compared to the Chad farms in Nebraska (no offense)

Nebraska averages a lower yeild than Iowa and our corn leans to the west because you suck so much.

And Poseidon cooked a thousand hamburgers while still losing to spongebobs 1 burger cause Poseidon’s were actual shit

spongebob reference

ok zoomer

That episode is firmly in millennial time. Do better next time sweaty

Doesn't make it any less r slurred.

The giga chad farmers of Illinois must be laughing at you flyover state plebs argue over who sucks more corn

They live in a blue state. Nothing gigachad about that.

But they live in an actually relevant state

I don't think IL farmers really care about living in a relevant state, I think they're more concerned about being cu(ked by Chicago politics.



I hope they quote this when they put your head in a pike

I couldn't think of a better way to go, being a martyr for the ruralcels.

Does your mom know you larp as a landlord online

My mother is one of my tenents. For free of course.

Living with your mom doesn’t make you the “man of the house” or a landlord

While this isn't the case, that was an excellent comeback that I've awarded with 1 upvote.

Still not cheap enough to convince me to live in a flyover state

This wasn't an invitation.

I’m glad it’s not.

All these people talkin’ about flyover states like we’re down here just begging you to land. We don’t want you here either. You’d ruin it.

Oh boy that's some premium cope posting. Yeah keep telling yourself that, sour grapes.

I’d tell you to come say that to my face, but we don’t have many brunch spots here in the midwest so I’m not sure you’d survive the trip.

we don’t have many brunch spots here in the midwest

or much of anything else that could be considered interesting or desirable by those of us who don't carry extra chromosomes... besides fentanyl

You leave our fentanyl alone! That’s for us rural folk who had to go through the agony of being raised with nothing of interest near by. We’ve earned it. You can’t appropriate our culture like that.

Lol I pay double that for a single room

You could probably buy the entire state minus the big cities for a couple mil.

Surely the birthplace of Slipknot would be held in higher regard than that.

The band that flings poo at each other? I'm pretty sure they are driving down the value of that land.

Maybe you're thinking of Gwar? Slipknot is the band with like 4 useless members

The guy hitting the bin with the baseball bat is absolutely essential.

No, there was an interview I read a couple of years after they got big where they told a story about flinging poo at each other during rehearsals and there was still some on the drums.

A friend of mine moved to Des Moines from Los Angeles a couple of years ago. Out here, she was a brewer at a small brewery and her husband was a bartender. They used to rent a 1-bedroom craphole in Van Nuys. Out there, she's a brewer at a small brewery and her husband is a bartender. They bought a 3 bedroom house.

Sounds surprisingly good. Was there a big culture shock for them?

I don't think so, they seem to be having a good time. Des Moines is small, but it's a nice city with a good bar scene. Also they've assimilated pretty well, they bought a smoker and hunted the last two bird seasons.

This comment made me smile.

Is rural Iowa like how all the families on the Hallmark channel and the CW live? Do you guys have fall festivals filled with people who don’t always talk about fucking politics?

Yes, actually more Spring/Summer festivals where I’m from. It’s progressively being taken over by meth and crackheads though, which is a nice change of pace.



This is the Cali expy we all want. Good to know they are getting a better life.

If the brewery you're talking about is the one I'm thinking of (starts with an E) - your friends deserve that house. I moved out of state two years ago and still miss that beer.

Not high enough for minimum wage to be as high as $7.25.

Median home price is like $150k, that state is hilariously poor.

Isn't 3% unemployment or so basically peak employment already? If they were sitting at 5% this might make more sense.

Unemployment doesn't factor in people not seeking work iirc.

Whether or not this issue is a big issue seems unclear to me, it seems like the progressive and conservative zeitgeist has latched onto this issues for different reasons, conservatives propose that this is an example of big government causing issues, and that poor(minority) people are just lazy, progressives have latched onto it as proof of some proletariat revolution, so both have decided to make a mountain out of this mole hill.

From knowing employers it seems like most of the places having problems hiring now, had those same issues before or they cut their staff back at the start of Covid, and now are having issues since they're literally trying to hire the same people back for less than they were paying before.

Yeah but unemployment is how people are getting the benefits she just ended. This is what I imagine people in here look like.

bmi to low

I'll have you know my Dr was just fatphobic.

wait, what's the difference between idaho and iowa?

Idaho: 🥔 and 🐄🤠

Iowa: 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽

Mormons vs. Lutherans

ok, what's a lutheran? they get less press

Kinda like a diet catholic. They were raised in an organized religion that they maintain some cultural trappings of, but they can end up as either milquetoast liberals or tradcon goofballs. They probably have some Scandinavian or German ancestry, and they hang onto some vestiges of that culture as well as some ethno-religious practices, especially around Christmas time. Lutherans love Christmas.

Unlike Catholics, who generally come from big families and party cultures, they tend to be superficially friendly but insular and reserved, the kind of people who will rave about your potluck hotdish and invite you over for supper "some time," but hope that you won't ever accept.

the kind of people who will rave about your potluck hotdish and invite you over for supper "some time," but hope that you won't ever accept.

You just described all my relationships I got so far with G*rmans

good answer, thank you

"Hotdish" Begone, Minnesota filth

uff da

Same shit

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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