One Tampa man, who had reportedly had enough of racism and society decides he would rather go to jail than work at Dunkin Donuts.

1  2021-05-12 by busslordlowkeybussin


The customer allegedly made a racial slur at Pujols, who is black, and dared him to say the phrase again. The customer repeated it.

Black fragility smh

It occurs to me that this would probably be on the front page of r news with the commenters cheering on the brotha if whitey hadn't perished


black people

chimp out

Yikes sweaty 💅💅💅

This is what happens with open borders, we have MDEfugees flooding in every day.

Ummm, complaining about refugees is literally domestic terrorism, honey 😬 Do better 🤗

Comment and post volume barely changed after the borders opened

But at least now you're in here so things are looking up.

Rip dtama 🥀🥀

Aww thank you. Kind of surprised someone remembers be from dtama

It's hard to forget someone after you create a sub called r love4ghislainemaxwell together 😉

That’s right. I almost forgot about that sub, it got y’alld in like a day

They’re the true virus


Was it really worth it to let unapprovedcels in if they're going to lose their tendies like this in every thread? Sub has gotten noticeably shittier in just a week.

Probably not but then again this sub was growing more pathetic day by day as it gets watered down to the rest of reddit.

At least here at Drama we have principles.

since when

Oooops. I made an agendapost, clean it up jannie😋

I mean most of this subs userbase was made up of unaprovedcels. Think of it as a redistribution of the free speech that was previously hoarded by the approved elite.

Lol no it hasnt

Freedom of speech is NOT freedom to not die over a word.


Just let people say whatever they want to your face

Ur a pussy and I’d beat you up in real life

Can we start a dramacel fight club? We could sell the footage to fetishists that want to see noodly whyte bois naruto run around each other

The meta will quickly devolve into /fit/ autists who wanted to level grind irl vs absolute hambeasts who flail wildly with 100 lbs more mass behind anything they manage to land. Noodleboys will be the first to fall.

Edit: unless katanas and other weapons are allowed. Then my money's on Iowa or Hicks because I assume they're gun nuts.

This is why you got to wear a helmet if you are 77 going around calling people the n word

Barges into Dunkin' Donuts

Says the N word

Refuses to elaborate further


I’m sure his children and grandchildren will be proud of the fact that after 77 years on this earth he decided to go out by being racist in a dunkin

Better to burn out than fade away

Lets play a game.

Assume his family has infinite money. How much would it take for Elton John to put on blackface and sing Candle in the Wind at his funeral? He's British, and they'll do just about anything for a paycheck. I bet for....$200 million(or like, 140 million Bongbux) he'd do it. $250 million and he'd sing his heart out.

Well he was on kingsman 2 for less

For some reason I find this post absolutely hilarious.

Old people are a drag on society its why smoking actually saves money in health care the man was doing the nation a service.




That what I tell my dad but he says the other racist boomers he hangs out with will bully him.

I worry about him 😔

It says he "said a racist phrase" not that he said the gamer word. I'm guessing that he called him "b0y" and that set him off.


Brotha went from just another $7.25/hr employee to a likely well respected member of a black prison gang. He’s just rallying against the wh*te man tryna keep him down.

He will be revered and feared as the One Punch Man of the local medium security joint.


Lmao jannies and plebbitors working overtime to bury this as deep as possible, everyone should be aware when black pplz finally fight back and destroy the mayo menace. This is a warning, be prepared for more you fucking white monkeys.

He don't like people playing on his phone either.

Pujols told police that the customer was ‘extremely rude’. Cops did not disclose the details of the slur.

I want to know what was said. Since the guy was 77, his repertoire of slurs is likely high.

When keepin it real goes wrong.

On the one hand that's kind of fucked up, but on the other, fuck boomers who think not dying for 50+ years is a great accomplishment on their part and everyone should listen to whatever dribble comes out of their mouth and pay them respect.

Sounds like this nazi klan old man tried to inflict bodily harm on this young man and he defended himself. Nazi went into the store to instigate and attack staff and the employee felt sacred for his life and defended himself. Media paints this guy as Doing Something wrong. Cops pushed an old man down and that almost killed him and they walked free. One less nazi klan give this guy some paid vacation and benefits like the police .

I mean, same tbh

I guess this is the best outcome. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


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One less!


