Grimes Reveals She Was Hospitalized for a 'Panic Attack' After SNL Appearance: 'Quite Scary'

1  2021-05-12 by Guilty_Atmosphere992


White women invented the concept of panic attacks because they were not oppressed enough.

This needs to be a snappy quote.

Damn, all them Stevia smokers are mayo f0!ds in disguise

Where's the lie? Also I forgot about all those odd drugs people were smoking in the early 2010s. Friggin spice fiends were wild lmao

A friend of mine almost died from Bonzai once. Kinda funny but also very r-slurred

Are we allowed to say white women on this sub?

allowed but strongly discouraged

mayoid birthers

This is t-slurphobic please use the preferred nomenclature: cumskin frontholes

Bleeding Crackers

It's "Avacado American"

They often confuse their hysterical emotional responses with panic attacks, but in this case it was probably a combo of BPD and too many uppers.

Something something Scott pilgrim

Panic attacks are only real when they're due to unresolved mommy issues like Tony Soprano.

Actually Tony Soprano invented it so he could lust after his psychiatrist.

Love em


There's a video online of Grimes describing her diet and maybe that disgusting C*nadian trash pixie had a panic attack because she lives entirely off of quinoa veganaise slop.

If she's Canadian, 25% of her diet MUST be Tim Horton's. 35% if she's from Ontario.

Maybe that's her problem. Tims is fucking garbage now. We need to fatten her up on a diet of Swiss Chalet & Mama Burgers.

She's lived in California for at least a decade, a Tim Horton's double double might make her vegan heart explode.


I mean not all of them maybe a few

something something one poisoned jellybean in a bowl


Grimes is the type of person to post a pic on IG of her hand with her iPhone charger cord wrapped around it and say she's in the hospital with an IV, but she doesn't want to talk about it.

That being said I have been a fan of her music for her entire career and I'm not gonna stop now.

I ignored her for years but her new album surprised me. It has those weird vibes that I like.

Why would someone like her go to hospital for a panic attack? I'm sure she already has all the benzos a person could dream of back at home.

wtf is a panic attack anyway. I've never seen anyone have one irl

Drink 5-6 black coffees throughout the day, then take a scoop of C4 preworkout, then immediately go to the gym and do something really intensive like squats for a few minutes.

It will make you feel just like a wh*te woman for the rest of the night.

Unrelated but last week a friend brought l-citrulline over to try before a workout and I didn't know how to dose it. So I just put a huge scoop in a glass and said "I mean the worst that can happen is I just throw up all day"

I threw it up for like 4 hours. Worst preworkout ever. Didn't even get a boner from it.

Or, drink however much it takes you to blackout, rip a line of coke, drink 6 more. The next day don't drink anything with electrolytes or eat anything of substance, take more uppers instead, blackout again. Guaranteed panic attack on Sunday

Sounds like a guaranteed heart attack instead

Hasn’t happened yet but here’s to hoping 🍻🙏👻


It's just a ton of panic that hits you out of nowhere usually for no specific reason. You're just chilling one moment then hyperventilating like an oxygen deprived crack addict considering ripping your heart out of your own chest so it stops beating so fucking fast the next moment, and after about 5-10 minutes or so it goes away.

That being said it's also the socially acceptable cover for "I took too many uppers last night and am going through withdrawal" cause they look identical. Also pretty sure most celebrity panic attacks are just drug withdrawal.

I had it happen once. It was wild. I was like maybe 5 seconds away from passing out it felt. I was literally drenched in sweat after and it was only like 5 minutes it felt

Same, I had one once and it was after minor heart surgery (groin ablation) - only time I have ever been under general anesthetic.

The night of the surgery (outpatient) I was at home trying to get up to use the bathroom and things felt wrong. I fell down and my heart was racing and my hands were tingly it was the weirdest shit. Went away after a couple minutes, never experienced anything like it before or since. After explaining it thoroughly in a call to my drs office they said oh yeah, totally normal to have panic attacks after surgery. THANKS FOR THE WARNING GUYS

Probably didn't warn you so you wouldn't have a panic attack about getting a panic attack tbqh

haha, probably true. Laying in bed, dreading the inevitable panic attack.

Having experienced both panic attacks and low blood sugar they actually feel pretty similar and I think one can be mistaken for the other. Tunnel vision, fast heartbeat, feeling like you're about to faint, shaking/weakness, and sweating are all common to both. A feeling of impending doom is often unique to panic attacks though.

I had it happen at age 16 after taking a very recreational amount of DXM. I was standing in my kitchen and the cold granite counter was the only relief i could find so i crawled on top of it and fell asleep after a while

Google "George Floyd"

It's basically your brain and body going into survival mode but your conscious mind doesnt see any imminent threat.

It can make people feel like they're having a heart attack so often they'll go to the hospital and waste everyone's time.

its the new term for doing too much blow

I have them pretty often but I also unironically have autism


Probably had a panic attack after reading her script for the bit.

Tfw you have to be the literal richest man on earth to have a Grimes gf 😔

Aren’t Grimes and Halsey just the same person?

i have a panic attack every time i watch SNL, so i can relate


i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


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Do y'all think it possibly had something to do with drugs?

Wish she didnt wake up
