Alt-libertarian, suspected Australian supremist, and greatest figure since Tariq Basedsheed you slash savebot has received a three day suspension. Super j*nnies have yet to provide reason for this act of aggression

1  2021-05-12 by Tactical_L


While this figure has been known to frequent terrorist sympathizer subs such as are slash yiff and are slash funny, I still am shook over such a radical step taken against a fellow user of this platform. This must be a safe environment and the admins simply must👏🏿do👏🏿better👏🏿

Wtf this has uncensored usernames. Reported to jannies.

I wonder if a video link had a bad word in it or something?

Apparently combining the letters n and g will get your comment jannied

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Alt-libertarian, suspected Australi... -,*

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