As news of the death of an IDF Staff Sgt is made public, somehow Arabs and Indians start fighting on Twitter

1  2021-05-12 by -_-pete


It's pretty funny Indians hate Pakistanis so much they back Israel out of spite.

The real question is which one of these lovely Jewish ladies does r drama back.

Israel unleashing the online Indians is a 4d chess move against wokecels. There’s billions of them, they don’t listen, are bipocs and will sexually harass anything with hair longer than 3 inches. Insha'Allah

If someone is anti Muslim, bhakt twitter will support them no matter who.

The only people that hate Muslims more than Israelis are Indians.

Only rightoids tho, normal people are fine with them

Being fine with Muslims

There is de facto segregation in 99% of Indian cities, Muslims cannot rent in Hindu neighbourhoods and vice versa. Bangladeshis quiet literally LARP being Hindus, assume fake Hindu names and shit to get jobs. One time some super prog relatives got suspicious after their maid's number showed up on truecaller as someone named fatima's, ended up dismissing her iirc.

Even average Hindus are getting tired of LW pandering to this crowd. How do you think current PM is still in power even thought he is doing a pretty bad job.

Bibicels weaponizing the internet Hindutvacels is truly a terrifyingly brilliant move.

I’d rather be nuked than feel the wrath iVishnu

I wouldn't really call the Indian Axis collaborators Hindutvas, their leader Subhas Chandra Bu$$y valued Indian identity above religious identity and opposed the partitioning of India among religions lines, and the Indian Legion in Europe and North Africa and the Indian National Army (INA) in Asia (two separate entities) were all composed of Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs.

The INA is romanticized a lot in modern-day India, but it was a very ineffective force and total Krautoid/Hikikomori puppets.

Israel didn't even have to do anything. The hate for Muslims is so strong in the bakchodicels

Also I don't think Indians count as bipoc, they make too much money in America

The true Chad answer is Abby Shapiro.

The only kazakhi milkers for me

Gal Gadot > Natalie Portapotty



Kaffir means, you don't believe in Allah. Why you so angry when we call you kaffir? It's correct right, that you don't believe in Allah? Or you not kaffir (believe in Allah)?

Lol what a dense rslur.

Also there are some idiots posting the KD ratio of both sides to implicate Israel. Does it cross their mind that if Israel could not defend themselves like this, Hamas would totally ramp up that number?

The twittercel has been immunized against facts and logic.

That is why Israel must share its Iron Dome technology with Hamas. It’s only fair.

They're not smart enough to work it. All the smart Palestinians are living in the West Bank away .

All the more reason to do it. They'd likely blow themselves up with it, which would be poetic justice and absolutely hilarious all at once.

It's like the best defense in war is attacking first

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That’s the big rslur part about identity politics. People forget that just because it’s most opaque as “whte womn bad” that it seems from the person who’s perceived as the “weakest” being morally superior. They float those dumb statistics because nothing matters to them other than supporting the underdog, even if that underdog is a terrorist.

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


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Every war is a proxy war for India v Pakistan