The hot takes are getting hotter; if you think women need any type of protection you have every single type of phobia in existence.

1  2021-05-12 by busslordlowkeybussin


I unironically think paranoia is diagnosed on a curve for w*men. They live in such a constant state of paranoia that would get any man locked up, or at least heavily medicated. Literally every one of them, no exceptions.

Literally every one of them, no exceptions.

One can only dream 😍😍😍

Wite Wmen were a mistake.

Handbag Americans: “we need protection! We’re getting raped 24/7”

Men: “Yeah we need to protect women”

Handbag americans: “nooooo we can take care of ourselves”

I think the person in the video is a 🚂. The actual women in the comments are making fun of him.

You think? How many clues do you need?

Everybody else thought it was a Person of Birth so I was concerned that maybe I was the dumbass

This is just more evidence of TERFs oppressing tru and hxnest wxmxn 😔

Nothing says passing f-slur like a plunging neckline, a hairy chest, and urging women to go places alone.

wow nice selection on the dress! really shows off the cleavage!

Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. The hot takes are getting hotter; i... -,*

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Why do you have to do this? I'm fine with tslurs, but being a flaming fslur in a dress is not helping your cause. Shave your chest, at least put in some effort

Yeah, I'll accept that they're a woman, but I still hate them because I find women with tons of body hair disgusting and usually cunty.

w*men btfo'd