NYCells not happy about beautiful art

1  2021-05-12 by Post-pre-mortem


Sanford Biggers

It writes itself

Really can't make this shit up.

The surnames of many slaves were made arbitrarily just a century or two ago, with no real history behind them. Often just made up out of thin air. So about this one...

Remember when calling orangedaddy by the Drum name was supposedly a grave insult?

the Drum name


Anime PFP twitter accounts never disappoint

Is that the same guy who had the breakdown? He's got a new account?

All indications are it's the same guy. Even had a few rant threads that seemed like the guy.

This is probably the most beautiful statue there is in NYC.

And don't tell me about the Statue of Liberty, it rightfully belongs to New Jersey

>tarnishing the image of the black bull


Looks like a racist carciture of ancient African pottery

Made by African American Sanford Biggers

Is Sanford a relation to Clayton Bigsby of Chapelle show fame?

He divorced his wife for being a Biggers lover

This is just too much. We live in a comedy simulation.

Who is this for? Black Americans have been here for over 400 years. The only thing African about them is their ancestry. Is this for Africans who immigrated here?

It was made by a black guy born and raised in the U.S. so I am guessing its mainly for Black people.

I think it was made for ytpeople

I mean it certainly was funded by dumb mayos.

Americans don't know a thing about Africa, including black Americans. So it's always fun to watch them try to make something 'African'.

I like actual Africans. They’re based as fuck.

Can we trade all the people screaming endlessly about how it’s racist a white person orders black coffee back to Africa and bring over real Africans instead?

What makes you think they would want the trade. The mayos have hurt the continent enough already. Keeping the wokies here are actually reparations for real Africans

I exploded in laughter when the statue was unveiled

Good afternoon, and I hate modern art.

I feel racist just looking at it? Why would he not to do something that actually speaks to the history of art from African-Americans, instead of building an Africanized Moai statue?

Its a deep failure of city policy to not realize that statues are a tool to venerate heroes and build a common sense of identity, not make Art Studies PhDs and Columbia write journal articles about you.

Read the artist's name and then take a look at your keyboard

Just did. Just see a keyboard. ?

Pretend you were writing out the artist's last name but when you were typing the first letter your finger slipped and hit the key right next to it

It doesn't sound as funny now that I have to explain it in detail, this is why r/drama needs to institute a Jim Crow era literacy test.


It doesn't sound as funny now that I have to explain it in detail.

Because it was not funny you knucklehead, we all got it. It's just dumb. Like you.

So they got an american to do african art. lmao Looks like he took inspiration from a disney character. Good chance the dude has never even been to africa.

This has to be satire lol.

Man, I fucking laughed hard at the reveal. 🤣. It's just perfect 👌

That’s, uhhhhh... that’s certainly a statue.