Tess Holliday comes out as anorexic

1  2021-05-13 by BunnyLovr


Okay jokes aside, holy fucking hell is she fat... she must be like 500 pounds

Small for a American.

Remember when fatties got mad at her for speaking on “fat issues” while being a “small fat”

We really need another world war.

Reject the whaling memorial of 1996.

It seems she took that to heart and became a goddamn blimp to gain more fat credibility

She’s just lucky that it doesn’t show up in her neck and face

Honestly i think that’s the sole reason anybody cares about her. She has the head of a mildly attractive wyte girl propped up on top of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man’s body... they just crop out everything but her head in interviews

Yes is does 🤮

Get the lard out of your eyes you burger, she has 3 chins.

She should spend some time with Dr Now

How terrible, Tess Holliday was only eating one meal per day instead of her usual 1000 ones.

YouTube comments are the last place to go for LOL comments anywhere.


Good for her

Is cake day part of the joke?

Now that there is one fine braphog

Fat women are a lot like old women... when you get the rare attractive one, it's like the fact that they're defying nature raises the attractiveness levels. if tess holiday could manage to anarexit about 300 pounds she'd probably fit into that category

Plenty of fat women look good but not the blobby shapeless ones.

It's really all a matter of proportions

Balance is key in everything

They have a body and figure to support that fat. They'd look way better as skinny girls, with just a couple extra percent body fat.

Yes, this is generally the case. But there are rare exceptions. The novelty of those rare exceptions gives an erotic advantage that they just wouldn't have if they were an acceptable weight

Bear in mind that I'm a (hopefully) recovering fatcel so it's possible that I'm just coping

She'd look like shit due to all the loose skin and the surgery wouldn't be pretty.

Why do people need to come out as everything , who tf care ?

This is like when Milo Yiannopoulos said he was ex-gay.

It’s not gay to suck black cock. It’s reparations bigot ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊

Stand in unity with our non Mayo brothers

It's amazing how with only one meal a day she can sustain such a massive blubber storage program. She's such a narcissistic rslur.

Couldn't it be considered one meal if you simply never stop eating?





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  1. Tess Holliday comes out as anorexic - archive.org, archive.today*

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She’s red not orange

Known for her... 'body positivity'.

Is this a new way to call people fat?

Fairly old at this point tbh

Lol she says she's been anorexic since childhood

I would eat one meal and them going to bed

That’s explained a lot of her 500 lb

Literally who

You dramatards are slacking.

