Man Pulls Gun in Trading Card-Related Attack in a Target Parking Lot

1  2021-05-13 by TheColdTurtle


According to the police report, four men attacked a fifth man when he exited the Target carrying a box of sports cards.

Sports cards?

I expected MTG and if not then Pokemon. But fucking sports cards?

That's really bottom of the barrel.

I think its mostly for reselling. Women have Onlyfans, men have standing in a parking lot to buy cards for 8 hours. Once again, on average, men make more money.

Once again, on average, men make more money.

I'd prefer to keep my dignity and go with OnlyFans.

Are there onlyfans for endenowed 40 year old menšŸ¤”

Asking for my wife's platonic Friend

Yes Daddy šŸ˜

MTG players would have just counterspelled the bullet


That's true, bullets take longer to go through layers of fat.

This is why target is stopping all distribution nationwide of PokĆ©mon cards and some sports cards. People are acting batshit crazy about them. Doesnā€™t help that they were already popular targets for theft, and Targetā€™s loss prevention has been neutered.

Targetā€™s loss prevention has been neutered.

really? fuck, they were amazing, all super surveillance and waiting until someone hit felony numbers to swoop in

before šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø shoplifting got banzd they kept on warning people to not steal there and making fun of people who ignored them and got their lives ruined

Yeah, that was the thing with target was that it had to be small amounts and you had to not be a regular, rotate the places you hit up, but now with masks being used all of their fancy facial software is pretty useless, not that I condone the behavior or have anything to do with it.

Thing is with kleptos is that many just do it for the high and canā€™t control themselves, not that I can fully blame them, itā€™s a big rush that most surburban middle class kids donā€™t get often.

So how much have you boosted and whatā€™s your favorite spot

I've already been banned from this sub for jokingly talking about looting Minnesota, not gonna not going into detail of the r-slurred things I did as a teenager, but in minecraft I'd say around 5k according to my inventory over the course of 3 months.

It was an incredibly stupid decision though, I wouldn't recommend it. Potentially picking up felonies is r-slurred especially for only ~10% of the average yearly wage.

It's wild. I collected them for years and Jesus Christ I've never seen it like this before. Fuggin zoomers really do follow any influencer trend to the t.

This is going to really turn me into an Uber need to explaining this, but the worst part about it, and why a lot of us old guard resents the new collectors, is that they legit only care about one card in the whole set. So then that card goes through the roof and the rest of the set is worth pennies to what the equivalent used to be before the whole zoomer "let's open boxes for the one prize card" trend started on twitch and tiktok

Again, I have outed myself as an Uber nerd, but either way zoomers are the devil

What kind of tan did the people involved havešŸ¤”

Dark white

A thigh man, I see

When pokemon turns into pop a man

It's almost a pleasant surprise that the person that pulled the gun was defending themselves.

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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"Pulling a gun during a parking lot scuffle is just the latest story attached to the current resurgence of the collecting cards. Sports, Magic: The Gathering, and PokĆ©mon cards have become so sought after that stores canā€™t keep up with demand. "

I'ma have to stop you right there Vice. Nobody gives a shit about magic cards anymore. The crap construction paper Pringles are always in stock at every store. It's sports, yu-gi-oh, and pokemon that people care about. Honestly I think garbage pail fuckin kids still clear off shelves faster than magic cards atm

Yeah magic cards don't sell at all. For weeks the entire card section at my local store pretty much only had magic cards. Every thing else was wiped out

I mean who wants them? They literally curl immediately out of the pack. Like within 10 seconds. It's worse than the curling that caused them to fire literally all of their exec operations staff over it iirc

Yeah it is pretty pathetic honestly.

I had a Nasty Nick 35 years ago among othersšŸ˜­