Rambling lunatic Lin Wood details exactly how DDR will answer God's call to unleash the military on the swamp once #fakepresident DDD is out of the picture. A group of average American voters listen intently and applaud.

1  2021-05-13 by busslordlowkeybussin


The mental health crisis in the US needs to be addressed.

Reopen the Asylums.

It will never be addressed because rightoids don't even know they are mentally ill nor will they accept any accusations of mental illness.

One can only hope the "but both sidecels" learned a valuable lesson after 2020.

Donald J Trump is still the guy the military will call for the code if they need a first strike

"Hello yes this is President Trump - and I'm still the president by the way. I won, bigly. I won. The lying media won't say it but I'll say it. The radical democrats cheated, they cheated. It was Sleepy Joe and GYNA with the bamboo ballots, they tell me. Terrible when you look at what's happening with the bamboo ballots. Many people are saying, they say, 'Mr President, they used bamboo ballots from GYNA isn't that terrible?' so bad for our country. But I'm still president. I'm still president. I'm still the best president, that this country has ever seen. I whisper that in bed all the time. Me and Melinie we do the bed and she says Mr President don't eat hamburgers in bed. But I just whisper 'I'm still president' and article 2 gives me tremendous power. Bigly power so I can eat the hamburgers all I want. The radical democrats don't want you to eat hamburgers but I eat hamburgers and I eat them in bed. Article 2 folks. It means I won. And I'm still winning. We won in 2016 and we won in 2020 and we're going to win in 2024, believe me. The American people want Trump and they want hamburgers. They don't want radical demo...what? What code? Like, for my luggage?"