Woman famous for being married to John Legend and no other reason, Chrissy Teigan who also led the anti-DDR bullying movement is revealed to be a bully herself. Teigan's behaviour towards a then 16 year old Courtney Stodden may even lead to a cancellation.

1  2021-05-13 by busslordlowkeybussin


Mike is trying to bang Courtney Stodden now?

Stodden has kept busy recording a new album, releasing a cosmetics line, and running their OnlyFans.


I dont know who any of these people are

Chrissy Teigan = married to a famous singer. Professional blue checkmark

Courtney Stodden = married to a non-famous actor when xe was 16 and he was 50. Built a reality tv career off of it, now turning to victimhood

Courtney Stodden is turning to Victimhood? Seriously? Was she not a victim of CT's on line abuse? Asking for a friend.

Wonder what you would find if you looked at Courtney's online history? For one thing, a lot of homophobic remarks. Until she found out she could make money off them.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with bullying teenagers when they're being annoying. Chrissy is a moron in general, but she did nothing wrong here.

She kept telling her to kill herself. That she hated her. She was a big celebrity with a large following at the time, public ally bullying a teenager being groomed by a guy in his 50s. Even as a fan of Chrissy teigan, this is shockingly inexcusable. It’s one thing to call someone annoying or stupid it’s another to want them dead. Apparently stodden did try to commit suicide too.

I just want her to suffer cause if ya like by the wokie shit, you deserve to die by it when guilty.

She’s be the first to scream telling someone they should be 6 feet under is disgusting. So she can fuck off.

You act like you know these people? You say Courtney stodden would be the first person to tell someone to kill themselves....thennnnn why hasn’t she? Why would you assume that about her? She’s only guilty of wanting to be famous when she was a teenager. No one deserves to be bullied online by a grown adult. You sound jaded.

Let me clarify my statement because I’m fucked up and not exactly typing clearly with my nouns and verbs and shit.

She (Chrissy) would be the first one to screech that it’s disgusting if someone on Twitter said someone else should die. She(CT) lives by the wokie cancel shit, she(CT) can fall on that same sword

Lol when I read over it again, I realized I didn’t know who you were talking about. Gotchhaaaaa and totally agree, that makes way more sense. I mean she already left Twitter multiple times, and there was that whole thing with the food writer Allison Roman who basically called Chrissy’s cooking line “a huge bummer” and she got royally canceled. That was considered mean, unkind behavior. It’s like, what do you call bullying not only a 16 year old but that girl Farrah Abrahams on 16 and pregnant, literally calling her a whore multiple times. Chrissy teigan sucks big time, I can’t believe I ever liked her.

LOL...no. If you were to find Courtney's online history, you'd find a lot of vile stuff. Homophobia, insults, etc. Then there was that whole boyfriend who claimed to have snagged her v-card that she was still talking to, which apparently upset Dough (wah, Doug, too bad), and some fan in Scotland she got REALLY close to...until said ex boyfriend took a liking to her, and even went to Scotland to visit her, then she cut them both off.

This isn’t really a whataboutism argument. I’m sure she has said some shit stuff. And I don’t know anything about that personal drama so someone had sex with her before they were married, which would make her what like fucking 15? And yeah it was a sham marriage, he groomed her and she clearly didn’t love him. It doesn’t absolve a grown woman bullying a teenager, pretty much cyber stalking her and telling her to kill herself. It’s always weird when I come across arguments like this, like oh Courtney I’m sure said something terrible and oh and she was talking really closely with a man while she was a child bride, soooooo what, she deserves to be bullied? Also, where did you get she’s homophobic, she just came out as non-binary, doesn’t seem that likely.

LOL...then you weren't around when she was doing that. Her homophobic statements got a gig she was supposed to perform at canceled when they saw it. And yes, she did love him, what her idea of love was (which came from her parents, because I'm sure some shit went down at home). She did a fair amount of bullying herself, so, if you're gonna bully, you're gonna get bullied back. Being a "child" doesn't excuse that. And non-binary is just her flavour of the month. Like being bi, or vegan.

Dude I don’t know her. Where was she publicly bullying people? Also it’s not ok to be fucking homophobic, but saying one comment when you’re a teenager, that there is nothing about on the internet, doesn’t apply here. By all accounts she was bullied herself, she had to be taken out of school because of it. You are grasping to make it ok to bully a kid on the internet. You’re acting like Chrissy is some purveyor of justice, taking down a bully. Chrissy sought her out and did this, they didn’t know each other. Also, so say what you will about changing pronouns, but you’re seriously calling a sexuality and a dietary preference interchangeable fads. You have bad takes. I’m not here saying Courtney stodden is an amazing person. It’s about holding people accountable.

LOL she was taken out of school because she dressed the way she did. If her mother were an actual parent, she'd have made her dress like any other teenager. I'm not grasping at anything, simply stating no one is clean here. And I'm sorry you're blind, but Courtney has a history of changing sexuality and dietary preferences. You want to hold people accountable, except Courtney, as you're claiming none of that could be true only because you can't find it. And it was more than one comment, it was a LOT of comments. Oddly, much of it has been scrubbed from the internet, as well. And no, Chrissy is no purveyor of justice. Don't particularly like her, either.

While at 16, 17, etc, you're still not fully mature (until mid 20's), you still have to take some sense of personal responsibility. I know several people who she sent some pretty vile messages to, and somewhere, there are screen shots of Courtney's remarks against gay marriage, and how her marriage is "sanctified by god". Oh, and those sleazy biblical tweets and the alliterative ones? Those were Doug. Plus, I know people involved in these situations...do you?

Oh excuse me I had no idea you knew all of these people. Mr begins every response with LOL. Dude, I never said Courtney never did anything wrong. If she did something that hurt someone, and they come forward, she should be held accountable too. But you are acting like she deserves this. Chrissy has been a big bully for the better part of a decade. She got away with it for as long as she did because she generally bullied people that the general public doesn’t like. And she clearly didn’t know any of this about her before she attacked a 16 year old for being groomed by a 52 year old. There’s no excuse for it, period. You’re still laying into a whataboutism argument, And it’s not even a good one.


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Your comments say a lot about who you are. You're also missing the entire point of this threat. You should maybe head on over to one of Chrissy Teigan's fan threads.

This is srd level posting. My god I’m the fucking pathetic f slur in here and I love telling people to keep themselves safe.

We have to go back

Archive of DB article in the tweet: http://archive.is/FdjqD

You have to really question why CT had such hatred for CS. She didn't know her, had no reason to ever reach out to her, other than to harass her. It shows some kind of major flaw in CT's brain. Her apology's first line makes her the victim. Her husband's credibility and mental state are also in question. Is he simply pussywhipped or does he think it's okay? No one could think that is okay. I bet there is some shit going down at their multi-million dollar spectacular mansion right about now.

I read this and was instantly reminded of your comment.

Boom! Thanks for sending that. I hadn't been on Blind Gossip for a while, so it was a fun read. I actually find it really disturbing that she's dodged this kind of thing so many times. It's a deep dive into what makes CT tick. There's something seriously wrong with someone who seeks out vulnerable individuals, who are complete strangers and bullies them on line. She didn't grow out of that when she got married and had kids. It's almost like she lashes out at those she deems lesser humans than herself before they lash out at her. She doesn't go after anyone who can hold their own with her, she goes after people considered to be D celebrities. A perfect example is how she praised Megan Markle for supporting her about her miscarriage; when she would never have called out Megan Markle for staying silent and standing by her racist friend, Jessica Mulroney who bullied and harrassed a Black vlogger. The most remarkable thing about CT is that this is a woman who left Twitter and had complained many times prior, about being bullied online. How could she say that knowing the skeletons that are in her closet? That is ballsy, but more than that, it's proof of her unruly narcissim.

Internet culture goaded her on, too. No one is clean in any of this. Not her, not Courtney, not me, not you.

Pardon? What are you talking about? She's a grown woman and she's telling a 16 year old to kill herself and you're saying the internet made her do it? Let's not forget that she's had a decade to apologize, but she didn't. She got caught instead. Explain to me how the internet goaded her into telling a stranger to kill themselves. I'll wait.

Hold your breath while you do.

And you wonder why you have issues. You're just on here to troll people and you do a poor job of it.

A LOT of people had hatred for her. Her attitude had a lot to do with it, and she's not clean of doing/saying sketchy stuff herself (Courtney, that is).

Can you show me some examples of where Courtney told someone to kill themselves because that's what we're talking about. Not sure why you're defending a narcissist who finds vulnerable victims and strangers and sets out to harass them online, but maybe you know something the entire universe doesn't know about Chrissy Tiegan.

You know, not right now. I have some pretty serious issues of my own going on right now.
