A reminder that bullying nerds will never become taboo.

1  2021-05-13 by itsnotmyfault


Huh, tiktokcells can be funny

Lmao just when you lose faith in Twitter something like this comes along. This is glorious.

But tiktok did this

Close enough

its the app full of arrrrrrtards that starts with T


Why's his voice doing that

Being that I semi recently caved and became a Tiktoid here’s the deal.

This guy claims to be an independent journalist. Very clearly gives off men’s lib vibes. Dude is really weird typical redditor weird kind of shit. He has his dating profiles in his bio and has claimed to be dating 7or 8 women at a time sometimes(doubt).

He is “news without the spin” but the reality is he’s a leftoid shill that purposely omits information.

Dude consistently he gets dunked on by actual experts when he reports something. Also he gets dragged by lefties all the time since he made a video saying “HOPE YOURE HAPPY FOR WHAT YOU VOTED FOR TEXAS” with the ice storms. And lefties were like “the poor are the ones suffering”

Guy is clearly targeting kids and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see him in a cell with EDP445 soon.


First of all, everyone on Tiktok is targeting kids and that now includes you.

Second of all, thanks for the inside scoop on libertarian "influencer" drama on the Chinese spyware app. Truly doing a valuable service and your sacrifice will not be forgotten. I had previously assumed that it was just some random dweeb with a tiny following getting mercilessly shoved into a locker despite being a normal, but nerdy, 30-something. Now that I know they're a "journalist" I think the mockery didn't go far enough and I hope his career and relationship both fail spectacularly.

news without the spin


All his words not mine

Hence the quote that I fucked up and typed a parentheses on one side of.

I was making fun of him not you sweetie 😌 😌

Oh thank god I got really insecure and almost posted words words words.

Texascel should be dabbed on at every possible opportunity

He sure looks like a male feminist.

This guy has 100% harassed a girl for nudes in DM's before.

I got to 0:07 and already don't think I can keep watching.


First time I laughed at this stupid shit

-10000 odds this guys testosterone levels are that of a womans

Honestly this is a very good depiction of how the media drama machine works. People really are this r-slurred. Where's the lie?

She looks like something in her is off, but I can't pinpoint exactly what. Well, he also has something weird, but I know what's wrong with him perfectly.
