🌮 🇺🇸 shows his power level re:w**en and gets yeeted from 🍎.

1  2021-05-13 by AlohaWarrior35


"Most women in the Bay Area are soft and weak, cosseted and naive despite their claims of worldliness, and generally full of shit"

Snappy quote nao!

They hated him because he told the truth.

Tbh he should sue them for racism against latinos. Two can play this stupid game

Where’s the lie?

Look! Hes so lonely he had to post about women being bad!

Imagine stalking someone's comment history because they said words you didn't like.

This is the most internal drama there has been in months

Imagine posting this after getting trash talked on another thread. Gotta go to my echo chamber so I feel validated right? This is r/Drama isn't it?

Respect humans asshole. Otherwise it gives assholes opportunity to disrespect you.

P.s. Im that asshole.

Wow, you're really such a feels > reals person, aren't you?

Honestly this comment is too dumb to respond too.

Read that comment out loud to yourself.

"Wow, you are really suck a feels > reals person, aren't you?"

Like I don't like using grammar as a way to shut down arguments but man, that just doesn't make any sense.

I feel like that's gibberish an emotional person would comment when they aren't using logic during a conversation but relying on feelings.

Begone, female. Your hysteria is boring me.

Lmao I'm a male. Check my comment history go ahead.

Looks like genders/sexes can be pretty different huh? Im here, being a logical adult. Your there, presumably an emotional man baby.

And honestly I'll bore you to death buddy.

Lmao I'm a male.

post bussy or your claim is invalidated

Has bussy surpassed peen as the true test?

This is the most butthurt "lmao" I've read in a long time. You're not laughing, Sir. 😔

I lmao'd cause he assumed I was a woman. Given the context of our convo it was funny!

You are the first lolcow in months. Please stick around

I only came here to troll AlohaWarrior.

Sorry but this lolcows gone to pasture.


Don't downvote the lolcow you fools

It's nice to see one who follows the old way's

Please stop🙏 haven't had an organic, free-range lolcow in ages

How the mighty have fallen 😔


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Based and true wallah