Thousands of people fall for the fakest of book reviews, leading them to leave their own fake book reviews and line Jeff Bezos's pockets.

1  2021-05-13 by itsnotmyfault


Someone who is irl friends with the author did some internet sleuthing and discovered it's a guy she turned down via Snapchat a few weeks ago: Apparently fake reviews were his master plan to get unblocked by her. Amusing teenage shit, but somehow having massive professional consequences that might end up defining her entire career as a writer. Truly, the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Obviously the friend could also be a fake account, and the "Peter" story could also be fake, but it's dramatic, so I believe it. This story also got to the front page of Reddit's iamatotalpieceofshit. Here's the goodreads page if you want to see whiteknight reviews that literally link to the tweet as proof the the book is of 5-star quality:

Edit: other people have complaints about this so-called Goodreads Database and apparently the "lost my password" reset phone numbers of both accounts have the same digits or on Goodreads:

So it's fake but not for the reason you'd think it's fake? Interesting twist, and yet more proof that the demand for racism far exceeds the supply. Look at all those people in the replies frothing at the gash because they think someone was racist online. Good /r/drama content.

Amazon self-publishers are the subway pamphlet schizos of the literary world.

You can tell that the writer of the """racist review""" was trying very hard to avoid putting in any actual racial epithets and insults because she's obviously uncomfortable with it.

leeching off our language

Nah that’s something racists say man, you gotta believe her

The biggest give away that this is fake is the fact it said they would give it a 5/5

Author looks like a 13 year old child

This is actually a pretty good scam

I wanted to post this, but alas I was too lazy 😴, this is so over the top fake and I'm amazed how plebbit ate it it up so well. Nothing but a publicity stunt and everyone is blind for not seeing it