The weird guy at work

1  2021-05-14 by ballrot


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. The weird guy at work -,*

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You are on fire tonight

how does it feel, fucker

Snappy is in a saucy ass mood.

🎶 Guess who's back? Back again
🎵 Snappy's back, tell a friend

Relatively new, slowly learning. Inbred, smelly, hairy, homeschooled, swamp person. Mumbles a lot while making eye contact.

Can't remember which direction to screw things in.

He spent $100 on hamburgers from doordash today (I know this because he told me.) Once for him, once for him and his whole family, who I imagine to live in a Winnebago or a refurbished chicken coop. For reference, I take home about $500 a week. I do not understand this

He always manages to be in my blind spot when I am turning around, and I bump into him. Cokebottle glasses, weird conditions with his skin and mouth and joints. He came in with a suuuuper infected spider bite today.

Anyways the reason I posted this is because I can't stop laughing about what happened the other day. He texted me (not the group chat, and I'm not his superior) to say that he would be late because the power went out and the stove timer was wrong.

He texted me this from a cell phone. Is the stove timer his alarm? What is happening in this man's brain?

Ngl, he sounds kinda hot

He texted me this from a cell phone. Is the stove timer his alarm? What is happening in this man's brain?

The dramanaut fear the stove timer alarm user.

I want to meet him