This subreddit is legitimately bad when everyone can use it.
Not even "politically" bad in that is doesn't appeal to my political leaning (which is for some reason required these days) but just abjectly awful. People are posting the stupidest shit ever.
After 400 days of wandering the reddit deserts, the unapprovedcels have finally returned to their rightful lands. We have suffered far more than the Jews did over the past 5000 years, and this is how you treat us? smh
I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.
43 pewkiemuffinboo 2021-05-14
This subreddit is legitimately bad when everyone can use it.
Not even "politically" bad in that is doesn't appeal to my political leaning (which is for some reason required these days) but just abjectly awful. People are posting the stupidest shit ever.
God why.
35 PacificSpices 2021-05-14
You did this though.
27 JanetYellensFuckboy 2021-05-14
Why not relegate the unapprovedcels to comments only for now? Seems like a good compromise
14 ShriekingGeek 2021-05-14
Why not just make it approved submitters only again?
25 quitsocmedia 2021-05-14
Mods have to approve every post anyway. Lawlz is behind this.
10 komoset 2021-05-14
How about we crowdfund a contracted killer to take him out? Or just give him the money if he deletes his reddit account (less funny option).
5 quitsocmedia 2021-05-14
A contracted waxer, and make him beautiful.
1 [deleted] 2021-05-14
8 bertli 2021-05-14
We need jihad
4 ch4p053 2021-05-14
Approve me again so I can keep posting awful stuff
1 [deleted] 2021-05-14
3 pewkiemuffinboo 2021-05-14
We removed the posting restrictions as they pertain to being approved, but we still have an account age requirement.
1 [deleted] 2021-05-14
1 [deleted] 2021-05-14
1 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2021-05-14
Typical cishom preferring to exclude others
21 Big-Ant_ 2021-05-14
"You have to go back" posting is always just embarrassing
Approvedcel btw
13 Maskedrussian 2021-05-14
There should be some way to distinguish between approvedcel and trashposter, I really hate that I could be replying to the latter without knowing it.
5 noPENGSinALASKA 2021-05-14
Yea, I can only remember so many usernames. Yesterday was extra bad
6 BroboxylicAcid 2021-05-14
Kids these days.
5 noPENGSinALASKA 2021-05-14
I remember your name bby.
Now dm me the compound coordinates I wanna be surrounded by hot sweaty rugged men 🥵
7 BroboxylicAcid 2021-05-14
We do require a yard boy.
4 Haruspex_Art 2021-05-14
For real. They're not sending their best
5 ironicshitpostr 2021-05-14
The worst part is, they actually are
2 Haruspex_Art 2021-05-14
That's true... as a fellow approvedcel I've been posting on this sub so much over the years that I kind of forgot about the rest of reddit
2 IraqiLobster 2021-05-14
It was a peaceful time ☺️
1 [deleted] 2021-05-14
0 Pewkie 2021-05-14
Idk bud. the MDE invasion almost got the sub banned like they did for countless subs before. Our wall stopped them.
14 Apprehensive-Quote83 2021-05-14
I'm sick and sad of the proles bursting into my country club and shitting all over the place.
13 TheOverSeether 2021-05-14
After 400 days of wandering the reddit deserts, the unapprovedcels have finally returned to their rightful lands. We have suffered far more than the Jews did over the past 5000 years, and this is how you treat us? smh
10 PacificSpices 2021-05-14
New sidebar image when?
5 SnapshillBot 2021-05-14
I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
2 Methmum 2021-05-14
I gave no idea wtf is going in here, my account hasn't been able to post so itd been boring tbh
I dont do much more than lurking so no big deal