Immigrant men arrested for appropriating upper class Britbong culture

1  2021-05-14 by StevesEvilTwin2



Do these fuckers just go door to door scooping up daughters? Bongland should be blockaded for at least five years. No one in or out. The survivors might have a set of testicles between them and be fit to exist on the world stage.

Don't worry, I'll handle their security council seat. Not that the UN is any less cucked than they are.

It baffles me that they were given that seat, they have way too few aircraft carriers to be considered a developed nation

Less teeth per capita than most third world nations, which is also an issue that needs discussed.

The only countries with more than one carrier are India, Italy, and the US. Russia's Admiral Cucknetsov can't even leave port. Reformed Burger-Wop-PooinLoo Security Council

How does Italy have an aircraft carrier lmao

Most responsible Eurangutan budget priorities

Eurangutan lol

All Italians can achieve flight by the amount of gesturing in a particularly heated conversation

Japan has 4 carriers so they technically have the second strongest navy in the world lol (2 of them are half size but still).

Thank you for reminding me of Japan's carriers, we can add glorious Nippon to the council.

I thought the chinese have 2 now

You're right, they finished the Shandong about a year ago

It was to balance the USSR. And btw even France got one because they complained a lot.

Indian variant of covid is out of control in parts of GB now. They voted for brexit thinking it kept brown people out. Lmao

out of control in this case means about 2 and a half times smaller new cases rate than burgergunland

Any remaining alpha DNA that country had was bombed out of them by the krauts.

read a book once about a paki bong girl getting raped by her father at age 5. This is what living on the isles does to you.

Pedos are cute and heckin' valid sweaty, please leave your pedophilophobia at the door.

That's proof that Muslims are doing a good job assimilating into British culture

I see the British cultural exchange program is doing well.

I think it’s high time we shut down Britain and figure out what the heck is going on

Bongistan is the only country in Europe I want to see flooded with immigrants. They get what they get

Perfidious Albion has literally nothing in their culture that's worth preserving. If it'll make their food suck less and their women hotter and less inbred, I'm in favor of sending over half the population of Pakistan.

As long as we have at least 3 of our aircraft carriers blockading the island I'm down

👏🏿 true and honest take 👏🏿

You don’t want to see france, germany, italy, and sweden get flooded too

Do you think the chadmins would ban you for listing the names of these child molesters?

I wonder if the BBC is gonna be charged with a hate crime for doing so.

Do you not remember the whole Aimee Challenor thing like a month ago? The admins have already made their policy on British pedos clear, they are a protected class.

Isn’t it obvious. They’re grooming us. Because once they stretch 🚂 shit as far as it can go pedo support is the next topic.

At this point anything that is considered “slippery slope” should just be assumed true. ipso facto pedo support 🤮🤮🤮

>eleven (11) wayback machine snapshots in 48 hours

This is how you know an article is arr drama worthy

Damn that’s crazy....

All-star lineup right there

Why couldnt you just put the BBC link?