Project Veritas tried to entrap FBI agents with thots codenamed “Tiger” and “Brazil”

1  2021-05-14 by JimieWhales


Project Veritardas can't do anything right. Speaking of honeypots, didn't some rightoid capital rioters get catfished and turned into the police by twitter thots?

No he was just bragging about it on some dating app lol

Unequivocally r-slurred

Project Veritardas can't do anything right

Nah they do everything they want to do right. James OKeefe is a cynical grifter before everything else and has cultivated enough dumbfucks to give him the attention he craves for decades. He is like Alex Jones if Alex Jones wasn’t crazy and didn’t buy into his own bs in that way.

Those residing at this house were instructed not to receive postal mail addressed to their legal names. If they used a ride-share app to get home, the driver had to stop before arriving there, to make sure no one saw where they really lived

Wow they really trained them up with high level spycraft

Isn't the point of being a spy to act casually and not suspicious? If you are trying to act like a normal American who has a dating profile then wouldn't using a ride share app or taxi to go home be normal? Not three blocks away.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Project Veritas tried to entrap FBI... -,*

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Project Verithots

in an attempt to catch and discredit government employees criticizing the former president

This sounds completely r-slurred, whether true or not, but it is fully believable that both the guardian thinks that’s what they were trying to do while simultaneously actually being what project veratard was actually trying to break lol. Either way, 🌍💥🙏