Apple lawyer btfo’d by Epic lawyer as they discuss the possibility of a cartoon banana having a penis in this installment of Apple v. Epic.

1  2021-05-14 by Bagtot


What's are angle today counseler?

We're going to imply this Banana has a fat cock

🍌 💊

SOmeone post that naked banana pic

With hairy legs?

John, haha. Where did you find this one?!

Oh somewhere online haha. It just cracked me up! Thanks for joining us tonight Bill

John: I really, really, really like this image.

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Apple lawyer btfo’d by Epic lawyer ... -,*

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I just want to stick a banana in that bananabussy, coat or no coat. Apple and their policies will never stop me from coomin that Musa.

Anyone else reminded of that Drew Carey Show episode where he puts up a cartoon of a caterpillar fucking a french fry and he has to go to court over it?

Anyone remember when Drew Carey was the symbol of an HR rep? And when an HR rep was the kind of person who might be the one being sued for sexual harassment over a cartoon? Oh how the times have changed

The Bananas in Pajamas are children's gamers now? Just fuck my 90s childhood up fam

Does a banana wear pants horizontally or vertically? Like a horse or like a man?

Weissinger: It’s just a banana, ma’am.

This guy's galaxybrain would also be smart enough not to post AMP links.

Hopefully, both parties will let Peely slip — but who knows, maybe the banana clothing issue will remain a split in the days to come.

Maybe journos aren't all bad.

Silly topics where there’s no real reason to agendapost make for relatively good articles

When you have billions of dollars and decided to waste the courts time.

How is Apple not in the wrong with this? It sucks that I have to side with Chinese overlords but it’s time to put them down a peg for their anti consumers practices

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