Local unapprovedcel wants to discuss drama, gets exposed to massive dose of bussy, doesn't feel so good - AUSTISM, many such cases!

1  2021-05-15 by AugustinesBitchBoy


Whenever I see comments like this, I know we're doing the right thing

F-slurs gahn act like r-slurs when they should be trying to g-slur their way to bussy.

Oh wait, I'm not even sure what I'm saying at this point.

Baized and dramapilled

dude bussy lmao




Gatekeeping without any of the mess 💅

😇 Blessed 😇 be 😇 thy 😇 bussy 😇

Gatekeeping continues to be unironically one of the most important aspects of society. You love to see it 😍😆😍

This, but ironically, but unironically, for real

The consequences of Eternal September have been incredibly detrimental to the Internet.

AOL’s Eternal September

TCP/IP Built Into Operating Systems

Social Media Prevalent

Phoneposter Hordes

QAnon/BLM <———- You Are Here


[even more redacted]

Accredited Internet Poster Licensing Required

Fences everywhere

In Bussy We Trust

Clearly we didnt do a good enough job looking at how how c*cked this sub is now

Unfortunately, Lawlz shined too bright, and cyberbullied too hard, and we all suffered for it Bismillah


H-how am I supposed to know what to think when everybody just keeps snooze emoji posting at everything?! The mods aren't banning any opinions but people keep getting assblasted by a robot! What's going onnnn????

Close it again, this is too pathetic to stand. I would rather be banned once more than know these people are reading the sub at the same time as me.

And by this of course I mean 😴😴😴 where is the drama

Snappy needs an even more aggressive algorithm. Model his behavior by using a neural network to study sweet, lick you to death pibbles 🥰

Snappy needs an even more aggressive algorithm.

Just have Snappy post whatever the top five SRD posts in the last 24 hours happen to be. That will give us some new Snappy-isms and probably make it even more obvious that Snappy is more evolved now than Tay ever was.

Snappy can't even correctly detect a normal comment that doesn't link to reddit half the time. It's kinda like, "why would I trust a self-driving car to be safe when you dickheads can't even get automatic soap dispensers to work after 20 years?"

Hate to break it to you but the sub has been open to read the entire time ☺️


“If I don’t know what their opinions are how can I tell if they are wrong or not?”

Imagine not being able to understand sarcasm if it doesn't have the /s


No, we're completely serious.

Super serious.

/s is for serious

This but unironically.

Yea we are r slurred but these cro magnon bussy haters are legitimately rarter than us

In the words of old George "lmao weed dude" Carlin, half y'all can't behave and are rarted. 👏 Do 👏 better 👏

These are the type of people that say shit like "Believe the Science™" until the science says something they don't like, then you get the hilarity of galaxy brain "I'm going to continue to wear my mask to own the cons" takes.

Being neurotypical equals 250 pruvilege points sweaty

is it a joke

No honney we are really this r-slurred

At least 50% of the comments nowadays are unironic seriousposts... and that's a good thing

Every time PizzaShill an heroes, it created a power void full of cheap knockoffs

Much like Johny Carson doing late night shows or Muhammed Ali being the champ, there is no replacing an icon like P-Shilly.

Where is he btw, haven't seen him in a while

I think he got tired of my constant griefing and epic bantz and traveled to the far east to study memes and shit talking under the tutelage of an obscure order of monks. When he returns we will see if his kung fu is finally as strong as mine.

I guess he gets tired of winning arguments every time. He goes like wandering fighter to find a more worthy opponent into the sunset

To be serious for a moment, I kind of worry about him when he disappears and stops posting. I used to know someone who could have been his twin. They droned on with exactly the same smug, self-assured, condescending nonsense about their education and how they were so much smarter than everyone else. Had a lot of the same kind of opinions, too. Basically just repeating whatever the prevailing conventional wisdom was like it was some sort of profound insight. He was even slightly unbearable when we played online together, which is how everyone on my old message board knew each other. They just took everything way too seriously and personally and had no chill.

That person unironically did an hero a few years ago. It actually made me a little sad despite what an annoying twat they were. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls," and all that jazz, you know? So now whenever Pizza disappears I get a sense of foreboding and worry a little about whether or not they're OK. Thankfully, Pizza usually comes back, starts being Pizza, but I still worry.

Im in the whole everyone you meet is yourself in disguise trying to either trick you or teach you a lesson. In general terms obviously.

Whenever i see that kind of smug behavior, it reminds me of how i used to have some of those traits when i was younger. So obviously, I hate to say it, but I know his name and notice when he's gone or when he creates yet another alt.

Now, being a bit wiser, Ive removed my opinion from almost all public discourse and barely rarely genuinely interact in this account with other users.

I cant believe i just read your whole love letter to PS

My prose is captivating. It's not surprising at all.

He didn't disappear lol, at least as far as I know. He just spent a day or two posting through what seemed like a manic episode, commanding people to report him and get him banned.

I kinda share this fear too. The pandemic exacerbated the worst mental health crisis in human history. He deleted his most recent account at the very peak of it.

He does but will soon rise from the ashes for our own good

He's back with a different name. I just saw him in another thread

Leylinus was the best, he really was Bizarro Pizzashill. Watermark left a giant-wall-of-text shaped hole in my heart as well

I miss Watermark so much

I just come here when i blaze and feel like taking a word dump

We are truly God’s chosen people.

Dude bussy lmao

Immigrants smh. They have no respect to our (degenerate) culture.

Yes we are in fact mentally deranged, or at least severely handicapped.

I believe you mean "handicapable," you ableist not-see.

All of God's creations are special...

New snappy quote?

Drama is a place united by our genuinity in our lunacy, with enough civility to spare you the most unsettling details.

or what opinions people have

radical centrists 😎

In dr@ma, everyone is equal. However some are more equal than others

Which sub is this ?

Dont worry I found out.

Why did the mods open up the sub, anyways? I feel like we’re about to get reddit-gentrified. I couldn’t comment before and it was better that way

Why did the mods open up the sub, anyways?

We've slaughtered or lost all our LOLCOWs, so now we're attempting to rustle up some new heifers.

Have to make sure pizza's next alt can get in.


Poor guy doesn't even realize he's seriousposting

The fact that i can understand 95% of this sub means than i need to delete my account

Literally who?

Whats a subreddit?

i doubt all of these people are actually as mentally deranged as they act

Oh sweaty...

Getting bussy blasted is always confusing the first time

Ok I just checked out this sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're more rarted than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.

I've never been confused by a sub before

Someone hasn't been through the year of shame lurking.

Who's got that one copypasta of that user who had their brain broken by /r/drama?

Not "Let me tell you this..." but the other, better one where some redditor was just completely baffled by stumbling on a subreddit without a clearly spelled out political position that he could jerk to or counterjerk against.

Lurk more. It will eventually reveal itself


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Blessed post.

"I doubt all of these people are as mentally deranged as they act."


Finally someone gets it

I really do love you bunch of R-slurs, in a completely homosexual way.

I wish I could comment


Am I allowed to comment

No, fuck off

I may get in trouble for breaking the irony rule here but let me explain this place to any unapproveds who may be lurking:

The reddit admins have allowed white supremacists and neo-nazis a platform on their service, and some believe that their far-right sympathies run even deeper than that... this sub was established to act as a sort of watchdog group to monitor, and hopefully tamp down on the extremist activities and hate speech that comprise the bulk of this website. It is, in short, an act of subversion... In order to evade the ever watchful eye of the reddit admins, this sub has developed a sort of coded language that is heavily steeped in irony... note that the use of irony here is different in function than that of the subreddit drama sub (referred to here as SRD) which is a cynical parody of this sub operated by extreme far-right ideologues... if coded language such as "dude bussy lmao" confuses newcomers, well that's exactly the point

This but unironically. White people were a mistake. Dude bussy lmao. Mayocide when. Based and r-slurred. Can the SRDine.


Shit. You caught me

Why won't you just say the N word and get it over with?

We all know you say it all the time in your private life. So why not on reddit?

You scared of the big, bad libs?

Because I’m not getting into your sick sexual games, dude

It's not a sick sexual game

You want to LARP as some nazi-adjacent right wing hippie hater, you might as well go all the way with it and say the N word like we all know you want to

Afraid antifa is gonna come after you, is that it?

Do you see antifa in your dreams?

I don’t get why you think people should call you the n word. What about hearing that gets you hard?

Like I said, it's not about calling me the N word

It's about you saying the N word, because I know that's what you want to do

You've got a heart full of hate, and you've come to the wrong sub for that. Probably sent here by SRD

You’re still on trying to get me to help you cum? What about hearing that word gets you off?

What is with your weird obsession with sex?

Why is everything sexual to you?

Just say the N word

You’re the one who brought it up and is begging to hear it. The only reason you keep asking has to be that you can’t cum until you hear it.

Of course you would make it all about sex and cumming. Obvious right-wing arrested development

And you went and named yourself after a marvel character like we wouldn't hear the clear dogwhistling... so typical of the impotent fascist mentality to see themselves as the ubermensch of their own heroic fantasies... we all saw how that worked in nazi germany

Since you're so obsessed with CUMMING, I think it's time for you to CUM out of your big stinky racism closet once and for all and just say the N word

Keep begging to hear the word.

I'm not begging for anything. I would never grovel at the feet of fascists

I'm trying to gently guide you towards your own racist self-fulfillment. I think it would be cathartic for you to just come right out and say the N word... then we could get to work on the deprogramming

Beg harder.

Is everything about cumming and being hard for you? Freud would have a lot to say about that

Just say the N word. It's literally the easiest thing in the world

Keep on begging.


You’re really desperate to hear it, aren’t you?

Just pretend your at a pizza party playing vidya with all your dungeons and dragons buddies, and let it out

Say the N word

You realize you’ve been begging to hear this word for over 12 hours, right?

And yet you've consistently failed to deliver. It must be eating you up inside. So afraid of getting canceled by antifa, that you cant even express yourself

It's ok. We're giving you permission. So say the N word

You really are desperate to hear the word.

Nah. I think it's you who is desperate to say the word. I'm trying to give you a safe space (I know how you rightoids love your safe spaces. Fucking snowflakes) to be yourself. I want you to express how you really feel. I want you to say the N word

Ok, fine, whatever.

Whenever Haruspex_Art hears the N word, he has the largest orgasm of his life.

Why are ya'll still on about this? Nobody gets to say the nslur, get over it and move on.

The show we’re going to isn’t on until 8, and all the housework is done, so why not.

There you go again with your dirty porno talk

Apparently that's the only thing your porn-addled mind can come up with

Time to say the N word

I just did. You want me to say it again?

Haruspex_Art’s fetish of hearing the N word is perplexing.

The actual N word

You know what I'm talking about. Most likely you're a professional at saying the N word IRL, so you might as well just say it here

Ok. Haruspex_Art’s penchant for hearing the actual N word compels him to do strange things.

You’re right. This is liberating!

Look. ASSHOLE. This is not the time to be playing games... it's time for you to come to a reckoning with yourself and the person you are on the inside. That person is a racist who says the N word. So just go ahead and say the N word. That's all you have to do

Whenever Haruspex_Art can’t get someone to say the N word, he breaks down into an uncontrollable rage.

Racists never want to reveal themselves even when it's clear to everyone around them what they truly are

Stop being a coward and just say th N word

Haruspex_Art, why are you such a social justice warrior?