Mod at Stupidpol goes full Hamas, declares intifada on asking users their opinions about Israel

1  2021-05-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Jannie being a jannie, news at 11

Good ol stupidpol. My biggest regret is getting perma banned from there before I could go back and dunk them for their bad election takes.

legit like 70% of my "go back and mock" list consisted of stupidpol users.

I got in so many absurd arguments there, one of my favorite was when they called me a conspiracy theorist and "dumb" for saying Trump would declare victory on election night and the "red mirage" was a real thing.

Stupidpol was a good idea for a sub, sadly it devolved, as all political subs do, into a circle-jerk of politically illiterate anti-establishmentarians.

I also get a kick out of stupidpol asking for a "basic level of political literacy" being required, considering the shit that sub produces on a daily basis.

Stupidpol is and always was a “I’m a leftist because I hate libs, I have no other solid views besides that” kind of leftoid sub. The place is filled with Bernouts who do the “both sides are the same” thing from the left instead.

What's weird is the lengths they will go to just to attack liberals, too.

The DNC can put up very progressive policy and they'll twist and contort themselves into knots trying to explain why it's actually bad, fake, and the Republicans are better.

Yeah, their entire worldview is "hate the democratic party" and lacks any substance or nuance outside of that.

I think you might underestimate how much of Stupidpol's userbase is just 'racist but likes universal healthcare'.

I don’t think many of the stupidpol types are racists, I think they are the just the types who are ok with working with racist types if it got them closer to their policy goals if that makes sense.

Saying they're pragmatic leftists is probably too generous, I think they really just hate the wokie neolibs more than anything.

Yeah and unfortunately for them their refusal to work with woke liberals makes the likelihood of them actually getting the policies they want plummet, at least in the US.

Nah, a lot of them are just rightoids who’ve figured out that they get a lot more leeway if they pretend to be leftoids. All of our drama rightoids like lysis and hicks are/were stupidpol users.

I mean Idk if that's the case. I've not seen much overt racism posted there.

There's a valid argument to be made that upper class liberals prefer discussing ethnic identity over class identity because fixing class issues requires personal sacrifice, and virtue signaling about race does not.

But they seem completely blind to the fact right-wingers are even more idpol obsessed than liberals are.

Mm... Yea, I suppose not 'racist' exactly. But like, a sorta 'socially right wing but economically left wing' sorta vibe.

I don’t know man. I’ve seen a lot of unironic angst against ethnicities and races in many of their upvoted discussions. My theory is that once ChapoTH was banned many of their more users went to places like stupidpol.

You make them sound cooler than they are


How do you not know how to vpn, Pizza🤔

A well heeled manlet such as yourself should be educated on these matters

Do VPNs even do anything on reddit? I got 5 accounts banned for "ban evasion" on a sub using a VPN.

A single vpn? Switch it up, hammerhead

I'm saying I used a VPN posted on 1 account and every account i owned, even ones I hadn't even posted on, got banned.

And that's a good thing

Browser fingerprinting.

legit like 70% of my "go back and mock" list consisted of stupidpol users.

well some of us are here too. so have at it, chum!

The Anti- Israel forces once again collapse into infighting.


You should see their policy on zionism. It's a bannable offense to be a zionist cuz of "ethnonationalism." Funny thing is Palestinian and Kurdish ethnonationalism are actually okay because they aren't "chauvinistic."

Meek, humble white nationalism would be fine by those standards, I guess. "Rise up yts, but do so politely and be courteous to your neighbors!"

"we're not like the other leftists" sub turns into another overmoderated dung heap. Maybe the whole ideology was just crap to begin with?

You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Mod at Stupidpol goes full Hamas, d... -,*

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I read it.

i don't even understand the mod's angle. too many weird foreign words

He's a Canadian Marxist who espouses his dislike of idpol but he surely has a hate boner for Jews "Zionists."

That mod has pretty much single-handedly ruined that sub for me. I'm an unabashed stupidpol user, but that dude has a really annoying habit of stickying his own lukewarm takes in a solid 75% of threads. And ever since the Gaza situation has flared up again it's really spiraled into an insufferable circle jerk.

He banned me for calling out his blatantly obvious antisemitism love for the British Mandate. He’s a weird one.

His stories about his military days are also bizarre and seem fabricated to some degree. I can only assume he's trolling that sub.

I know I’m late but I completely agree

