Can anything stop the big pig invasion?

1  2021-05-16 by TheColdTurtle


Legit question for rural Americans — how do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 minutes while my small kids play?

Not an ar 15 lol unless you get a heart or brain shot those fucking things will just keep coming.

Personally I'm a fan of tannerite for pig problems

lol imagine being a rural and not having a few Boar Buster ™️ traps deployed.

lol imagine being a ruralcel and not having a thermal scope on your AR.

Imagine being a ruralcel

Imagine not being able to do whatever the fuck you want on your property

That is indeed a consequence of being a nonperson that nobody gives a fuck about, living on worthless land that nobody wants, yes.

My town had a serious wild hog problem. The destruction they leave is incredible, it looks like an exploded minefield.

Get an electric fence. I'd recommend a high tensile wire fence plus a wire close to the ground in front of it. The wire near the ground keeps pigs and the like from digging under it. It's a lot easier than killing that number of hogs; they're surprisingly hard to kill. Eventually they'll more or less learn to avoid your yard.

You can’t if you are the only one with a gun. As has already been pointed out its better to set up traps to deal with them. If you do want to hunt them the plus side is that IIRC they are legal to hunt year round since they are an invasive species, so theres that.


Post hog chud

Don't fence me in bro

Good read, thanks.

Here I was thinking Glowies were going over to smoke some cigars in Havana.

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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This is just the scenario Animal Farm warned about, probably.

New Pork City