A Victorian magazine asked spinsters why they were single. šŸ¶šŸ˜ŗšŸµšŸ† (courtesy of FDS)

1  2021-05-17 by fernguts


This woman is some type of -pilled but I'm not entirely sure what it is.

Some type of -filled, at the very least.


Crayon rocket?


Lead and mercury šŸ¤¤

Variety is the spice of life.

How the FUCK are we supposed to compete, humanbros?

I know, eh? And have you ever seen a pig's pecker? They're fucking spirals!

It's over for humancels.

Bah, that's nothing. How about the four headed Echidna penis!

Now we know why Echidnas are so rare. I'd never leave the house.

Jokes on her, I identify as a dog

fucking furries

Could just be a twitter pup, which would at least be a small improvement.


The furries are just as much on Twitter as well. Pups at least wear leather instead of mascot suits.

damn bro thatā€™s a really creative joke

C0pe transcel

iā€™m not mad itā€™s just a lazy joke

Itā€™s not a joke

I'm in enough kink circles to know that might not be a joke.

Dunked on by a spincel. Damn.

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. A Victorian magazine asked spinster... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Wow itā€™s crazy how long we have had the internet

Bible is the og twitter

Don't @ me

The Tanakh is full of Drama, as an example, M'lakh Dowid (PBUH) сuсked Uriah the Hittitecel by male fŠµministing the latter's wife Bathsheba, then telling Uriah to go back to /biz/rael to touch Bethsheba's gussy so that he will think that the child will be his, but then when Uriah doesn't comes, Dovid (PBUH) spŠµrgs out, arranges a plot to have Uriah killed in battle, marries the gussy, and then later on bears Sulayman (PBUH), and to think that this guy ultimately becomes the one that Jewcels and Christoids look so much towards to!

King David (PBUH) could have been a Discord mod if he didn't repented of his malŠµ fŠµminism šŸ˜

(2 Shmuel 11)

(courtesy of FDS)

You must be r-slurred to visit that sub even ironically.

Itā€™s rather fun. Once you realize that the majority of the women are 30+-40+, you realize itā€™s the number one cope sub on the site.

Itā€™s funny to watch them constantly bounce between ā€œHeres a hundred paragraphs on how to get menā€ and ā€œHow to be okay with dying aloneā€

Look at the sub overlaps https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/femaledatingstrategy lol

If incels are based, does this mean femcels are also based? I hope Not.

Incels are generally considered based because they represent a societal failure, in the fact that so many men are excluded from a basic part of human life. Femcels arenā€™t excluded from that experience, theyā€™re just complaining that it isnā€™t as good as they want it to be.

Cope from the inferior sex

Cat ladies are stunning and brave




Whatā€™s the bet she died a poorcel?