Left wing Twitter profile crosses the line into ableism after making a political joke about congressional pirate Dan Crenshaw.

1  2021-05-17 by busslordlowkeybussin


I just love how castrated the Twitter leftist is, he can't make a joke about an opponent without getting cancelled by his fellow leftists

Lol yeh the one time they make an ok joke it leads to civil war. Not sure if it's good or bad that they stick to their beliefs that much.

It's good for drama, and that's what matters

Spoken like a true dramautist

It’s because they aren’t funny so they don’t appreciate actual funny jokes

Thats why they must longpost to cover all their bases.

This is the future that twitter wokies fought for.

The re*olutixn is definitely happening though guys.

If anything.. You can't accuse them of not being consistent while also being terrible people.

Maybe they take days off

imagine thinking leftists actually care about the disabled

The only time Twitter ever actually "cares" and defends a disabled person, it always turns out to be a goddamn munchie 💀

what's a munchie other than a stoner term for grub?

munchausen Syndrome king

imagine thinking leftists actually care about the disabled

Only people who care about ableism are disabled people. Disabled, in this context, also includes terminal onlinitis

Everyone loves the disabled until you actually have to accommodate them.


Gerrymandering is a top 5 subject for Pizzashill. Where the fuck is he? Did he run out of Adderall and had to take a break for 3-4 hours?

Right now he's on discord making alts and fabricating pedophile allegations because someone called him a cuck because his e-gf(which he's stringing along and refuses to meet) cheated on him.

Well fucking hell, that sounds awesome. I just have one question. What the fuck is a discord?!

A: He was in Afghanistan killing kids who gives a fuck about him

B: US did a good thing in Afghanistan

A: Lmao sure

B: Yes they took Taliban out of power and gave women basic rights

A: Yea ok keep justifying war

I can't with these people

US did a good thing in Afghanistan

Did we though?

Gerrymander is such an useful topic: the parties told everybody to hate it (rightfully, because it is ugly), but nobody wants to end it. So they just whip it up and accuse the other party of doing it.

Gerrymandering serves both parties. Obviously it serves Republicans more but the reason Democrats have historically tolerated it is that a lot of these borders were drawn so white Dems could maintain seats in the South. If we completely redraw the districts, it's likely the Dems will gain a lot of seats but even today, a lot of the powerful established Dems might lose their nomination when their inner city district suddenly becomes largely Hispanic or 80% black.

That would be pretty funny. That would really shake things up, probably even in a good way.

Lmao this is a good post

Lol I thought it wasn't that dramatic, didn't even really try with the title. You rslurs are hard to predict.

Sorry, not your post, the actual twitter post. But I guess your post brought it to my attention.

Nah I meant the post too. Seems like a dumb joke got bad reactions. All dama is good I guess.


Holy shit shut up. Cumming so hard you shoot your eye out with the cum isn't a disability.

Holy shit a Twitter leftists actually said something almost funny

Imagine making fun of someone who is missing an eye for missing an eye. Like I'm a terrible person but even I won't fire my cannon at that galleon.

Lol just grow a new eye, dumbass

Right wing cope account is itself coping? Why not just bitch on your blue checkmark acct instead

Lmao that map tho

The only member of Congress who looks like a literal Captain Planet villain.

Lol it was a good meme, twitter users just can't take jokes