While Americans are busy arguing over the lives of Israeli and Palestinian babies it appears the mother of all political battles approaches; Roe vs Wade is back on the menu.

1  2021-05-17 by busslordlowkeybussin


If Roe v. Wade is overturned, we could power the entire East Coast with the energy of the seethe there would be among leftists or liberals

But if Roe v. Wade wasn't overturned, the cope would be enormous and it would be amazing to watch rightoids dealing with the fact that they have lost yet another cultural war, even with a more Conservative Supreme Court

So either outcomes are good šŸ˜Ž

Lol, if the GOP tries to overturn roe v wade it'll be the final nail in the coffin for their chances at being a successful national party.

Not only because they depend on anti-abortion fake news to rally their base, but because it'd greatly accelerate their collapse in suburban America.

Evangelicals simply aren't as relevant a demographic as they used to be. The SC would also basically guarantee court-packing in the future.

Yea. Roe v Wade is the rights sword to die on, like the American left does with guns.

Both parties are absolutely r-slurred for not realizing that dropping this specific issue is going to get them more support.

If rightoids would drop the abortion shit Iā€™m sure their platform would be more digestible to moderate lefties (that believe in border control, gun rights, etc) if a strong candidate came up. Who cares what the Baptistā€™s think down south. Theyā€™ll still vote R anyway because the rest of the platform lines up with what Full Metal Jesus wants.

And like I said too. Same for Dems. Theyā€™d probably sweep every election if they just said, not banning any guns and you can have 15 round standard mags as a federal law.

Itā€™s honestly ridiculous how incompetent these parties are. GOP is in a good spot with the court. This would fuck everything up 50 years down the line if they moved hard on it.

So with that said theyā€™ll definitely press the issue.

I mean these are sacred values, they aren't policy positions. Sacred values aren't normally up for debate. The left will never drop gun control because gun control has warped into a sacred value, just like anti-racism has.

Being anti-abortion is a sacred value of the political right, which means they will never stop being anti-abortion, even if it destroys the party in the long-run.

I'd argue abortion is actually a much larger liability to the right than gun control is the left, because support for gun control has increased with basically every generation, while support for abortion has also increased.

If you don't know what sacred values are:


This is also why whenever you see someone talking about "bipartisanship" and pretending there are "middle-ground solutions" to every problem you can assume they're delusional and living in a fantasy version of the country that hasn't existed since the 1990s.

There are 2 radically different "Americas" that come with their own radically different sacred values and national identities. The only people still living in old America are aging establishment politicians.

Donā€™t mansplain to me sweaty šŸ’…

Gun control is a sacred value for them till they're the ones who have to go to Cletus's trailer to confiscate them. At that point, they're ALLLLL about the "jack booted thugs" doing the suicidal job of knocking on that door.

If they ever do manage to get that passed, there will be some truly excellent Tiktoks involving federal agents and tannerite out there.

Who's knocking? We've got plenty of surplus drones left over from Afghanistan. Just drop a few hellfire missiles on the domestic insurgents.

Foucault's imperial boomerang strikes again.

Once a country starts bombing its own citizens shit starts to get kind of weird.

Yeah, thatā€™s exactly what happened when the government ā€œregulatedā€ full-auto, dynamite, etc. Oh wait.

The Cletus is a perpetual pussy, or heā€™d already be fighting a civil war over all the good weapons. 99% of them will simply hide their guns, and never sell them for fear of being rolled over. And that would accomplish the overall goals just as well as confiscation.

Idk there's a difference between regulating full autos- which no one outside of collectors really care about- and attempting to confiscate hundreds of millions of firearms.

Same shit really - ammosexuals are pussies by nature, thatā€™s why theyā€™re ammosexuals in the first place. Theyā€™ll whine, some will give up their guns, most will hide them, and a handful of boogs will get killed by the ATF.

Iā€™m not even for confiscation, though obviously we need a less rslurred setup in this country (I prefer the Czech model) - Iā€™m just tired of people pretending thatā€™s itā€™s impossible in any way. Shit is eminently doable.

In a country with more firearms than citizens, yes, total confiscation is impossible.

Even if 90% of gun owners are pussies, the 10% that aren't would make it a disaster.

It just can't be done.

My suggestion is to just ban and confiscate all firearms in major cities instead. That would solve the problem entirely. And besides, it's what they want anyway.

Citycels can't behave and rural gun owners shouldn't have to pay for that.

Wouldnā€™t even be 1% - and nobody would be trying to confiscate all the guns anyhow.

Ruralcels would simply hide theirs, which suits everyone just fine. Not that anyone really gives a shit about them.

I like Czech models too

Czechia has some fine ladies for sure, a quite gifted country.

Dying in a shootout with the police is so shortsighted. That makes you a martyr. Making American Politician the most dangerous job on earth with the highest fatality rate by a mile makes you effective. In Minecraft, obviously.

This seems like a very interesting read, thanks for sharing

If you don't know what sacred values are:

You could have just said the word "dogma" and end it there, instead of giving us another read.

The reason that the Left and the Right both take these R-slurred positions is because they need to win their primaries first before they can compete effectively in the general election. See, American politics have this weird custom where before you are allowed to make your appeal to the sane and rational majority, you first have to say a lot of crazy shit to appeal to the clinically insane extremists within your own party. Only once you have won the loyalty of your tribe's mentally ill constituents by composing a mentally ill platform which they are enthusiastic about are you allowed to campaign to lead our nation. But then once you're in charge, it's hard to walk back policy points on your mentally ill platform later because you'd get accused of "flip-flopping."

Instituting ranked-choice voting or quadratic voting would help solve this problem, but apparently our oligarch leaders would prefer to have a civil war instead. Not how I personally would do it but hey, different strokes for different folks!

George Washington was right about political parties.

George Washington sucked my dick without his wooden dentures.

Hey Alex. Finally recovered from that bullet wound?

George Washington had real ivory dentures made from his slaves' teeth.

Pizza had a great take on caucus states and why crazies and fringe candidates do better early on in the Presidential primaries. It essentially boiled down to the fact that sane responsible adults don't have 8 hours to go stand in a room all day to caucus but the crazies do. One of the only non rslurred takes I've seen him have.

Pizzashill does have his moments.

The Republicans can never drop the abortion issue because itā€™s the only thing keeping them relevant. Huge swaths of their religious base would vote Democrat or not at all if Republicans were to stop hammering on about abortion, itā€™s probably the biggest draw for single-issue voters there is.

Seems like you're doubting the party's ability to spin up another generation-long outrage within a month or so.

Nah, abortion is their golden ticket. So many Republicans would clock out if abortion was no longer an issue.

Anecdotal, but back when I used to go to church the preachers would (off-handily of course because of laws) talk about how cruel a certain party was for favoring slashing poor person benefits over taxing the rich. Of course they all voted Republican anyways, because of abortion. Itā€™s the only thing keeping their base from collapsing, plenty of repub voters oppose or donā€™t give a shit about the rest of their policies.

Nah, they have guns too.

As long as Democrats remain pro gun control the Republicans will remain relevant.

I donā€™t know, at least where Iā€™m from (Ohio and Michigan, both of which voted Trump) guns arenā€™t that big a deal, anybody who owns or cares about them is either staunchly conservative in every respect or in a gang (and so probably canā€™t vote anyways). There are, however, plenty of religious libs who vote against their beliefs to support Republicans solely because they think abortion is some ultimate evil.

I guess it's just anecdotal on both our parts, but back when I was living in rural VA I knew a shit ton of lower working class dudes that agreed with pretty much every Democrat economic policy and would gladly have voted for them if it wasn't for guns.

They hated the Republicans, but they drew the line at any form of gun control.

This wasn't just a handful of friends, either, it was basically the standard for almost everyone I knew out there.

Maybe it's more of a rural thing; guns are a part of the fabric of rural areas, they're viewed as tools as well as weapons. During hunting season I'd wake up to gunshots every morning, some of it for sport, but most of it for the food. They'd take the excess meat and donate it to the church, too.

People with chicken coops used them to fend off the feral cats that fucked with them. This old dude I knew had an ancient shotgun pistol thing he'd use to shoot at snakes whenever he was out on the water or in the woods.

In the cities, where humans and wild life are mostly separated, guns are viewed and used as weapons.

There was also an emotional attachment. My father despised guns because his brother killed himself when he was a kid but he was still attached to all the old rifles his grandfather left him. They were mementos.

The crime rate in the area I lived in was basically nonexistent, too. So they saw no reason to give up vital tools they were responsible with just because some citycels 1,000 miles away couldn't behave.

You pretty much summed up a lot of this book:


Right down to firearms being family heirlooms/mementos.

It's like they're trying to alienate centrists on purpose. I for one will not abide this blatant disregard for my ambivalent convictions.

Yeah allowing Abortion has been the U.S.A's most successful eugenics program.

Anime did this

šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø/Drama always wins

except against reddit jannies

In case you havenā€™t noticed, AC is fired, Horrorstory is on their heels and only allowed to post archive links, and DDR continues to spawn endless lolcows.

When did the American history society get kneecapped? I didnā€™t hear about that

I don't think they are banned from posting reddit links, they just choose to post archives because the sub link bot lets everyone know that the post got featured on A H S, and then everyone goes into their sub to mock them.


The only logical stance is RadCen's

The case involves the constitutionality of Mississippiā€™s ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Oh no Americans might have to deal with EU like abortion laws, isn't that paradise on Earth? What are they so worried about?

Americans will always complain about how good they have it. And then Euros who donā€™t realize that Mississippi would rank as the second richest European country try to talk shit like theyā€™ve been relevant in the world past 1918.

Does the EU have blanket abortion laws, or is it country by country?

Some Eastern Euros might have banned it completely while in Western Europe itā€™s often something like up to 12 weeks.

I donā€™t like abortions but I donā€™t like thong underwear either. Itā€™s a personal choice and no one elseā€™s business but your own.

This is the most rslurred logic ever. I don't like police brutality but if a cop wants to whoop some ass after a long shift, it's not my place to tell him no.

Yeah bad logic, I'm pro-abortion because I just really hate babies and crime.

Babies are fucking pathetic.

Agreed. I used to be anti-pibbles too, but after dealing with babies, 100% pro-pit.

You should add this comment to the urban dictionary definition of false equivalence

I'm no lawyer, but it sounds to me like it's not exactly Roe vs Wade but whether or not a state can ban abortions after 15 weeks.

As a distinguished local expert in Constitutional Law, the point is that you can't overturn Roe v. Wade only partially, either it is between a woman and her doctor or it isn't. So if it's overturned then the federal government will have to pass an actual law guaranteeing access to abortion before 15 weeks and because of complications and so on, instead of the SC ruling from the bench.

And of course no libs will be, ok, the law it is then, they wouldn't miss the perfect opportunity to get all panicked and outraged and seething.

This is the well reasoned decision in which the court suddenly discovered that burgers have a right to privacy, but it only applies between you and your abortionist.

I think this will be like a lot of the recent rulings on controversial topics; extremely limited in scope largely maintaining the status quo disappointing everyone.

Lol yeh it's not as extreme as it sounds but god imagine if it was a re-do of Roe vs Wade but in the digital age. Would be more dramatic than OJ's case.

I'd imagine they'd start ramming cases/legislation down the pipeline as soon as it was overturned to get everything back to normal. The drama would come if those get turned down.

Lmao the GOP is still trying to pander to the evangelicals even after running a playboy multimillionaire who fucked porn stars?

I'm pretty sure the gop is trying to kill itself at this point.

Are you speaking of the man who was a Christian sent by God?

I'm pro choice but I almost want it overturned just for the seething.

We must pack the Supreme court with Hillary Clinton and her clones.


Just introduce civil law like a normal country
