IGN apologizes for removing the charities that directly supports hamas, and donates 25k to a charity that indirectly supports hamas. Twitter quote tweets are quite upset

1  2021-05-17 by TheColdTurtle


Trying to play both sides badly like this is pretty r-slured. What else can you expect from gamers tho

They're worse than gamers. They couldn't even play.

The only thing worse than a gamer is a games "jo*rnalist"

Why does the group of "Nazi Punchers" that bitch and moan about not having enough alphabet people and women in media support the government that kills gays, hate women and want to kill all jews?

What do you mean. The reason is right there. It's the very last thing you mentioned.

Also they are brown and pathetically weak. The perfect combination for regressive to simp especially when the big bad oppressors are (((White))) if you know what I'm saying.

Snooze. That take is older and about as lukewarm as the cumstains I left in your grandmother's mustache.

That's the best insults you got? The tired old "I fucked your mother". Oh wait you changed it slightly to grandmother. Must have used all your creativity for that.

Lmao with this comment you look stupider than the other guy

I love when the drama is in house

Id like to order the in-house drama special ☺️

It’s basically like Bear Gryllis(however the fuck it’s spelled).

We just piss into our own mouth and thrive off of it

Other guy looks pretty stupid seriousposting, though.

Seriousposting should be a crime

I only serious post on arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grama

Then do it there.

No he dont

Everyone is stupid here except for me.

No you

Reported, please be nice.

No. Fuck you!

did you fucking downvote me


you did didnt oyou

im going to stay up all night becaUSE OF THIS

FUCK YOU!!11Q2351

it's also literally the truth

Ok, be honest, on a scale from " my wife is a doctor" to "If I don't steal your land somebody else will, so what do you expect me to do? Not steal it?!" how zionist are you?

Israeli Landchads have a right to evict Muslim tenantcells who dont pay rent

Why dont the Arabs just take the land back?

Cos they can’t. They tried several times. And failed.

Sounds like a them problem.

Also seriouspost moment: Israel did give it back then they started shooting rockets on the border, which is how we got into the settling the border bit by bit strat until they stop firing missiles.

Have they tried simping? I think it worked out for Egypt.

Totally organic commenting

The leftoids have taken this position therefore it is the correct one, bigot. SMH


What the fuck, they can disable replies now? What's the point of twitter anymore then?

performative activism with 0 critique

always has been

People are afraid of anime twitter.

We could have some good drama but y'all can't behave 😏

The problem with giving money to charities in shithole countries is that government is going to demand a cut of the money.

donates 25k to a charity that indirectly Supports Hamas

So they donated 25k to the IDF!?

Underreated comment wallah


The greatest gift BLM ever gave to dramanauts was to set a precedent for shanghaing every single entity in existence into your culture war. Once upon a time, nobody would have expected Ritz crackers to take a position on burger-cops murdering joggers, but now the world demands to know: DOES RITZ STAND WITH BLACK LIVES OR DO THE CRACKERS LOOK OUT FOR THEIR OWN?

Now we're witnessing the logical extension of that mentality to Israel v. Palestine (the Alien v. Predator of the foreign policy arena) and in the future we'll see it coming to any and all political slugfests.

I expect them to opine on the Situation in Kashmir soon and side with china.

And that is why I contributed to give St. George his golden casket.

Really digging this horseshoe theory 69 session right now dragging every irrelevant party into the fray, like everybody I who I think is obnoxious rn is simultaneously tossing each others salad while boofing out some agendapills and then getting double pissed at each other for the shitty delivery.

69? Nice.

I am a bot lol.

some unapprovedcels are good

If you actually want to see Israel destroyed, then Hamas is probably the stupidest organization you could support.

This is why all my donations go to ultra-Orthodox charities.

I've donated every car I've ever owned to Kars4Kids

we gotta buy the landlordcels their hats so they're not cold when collecting rent

Collecting what now? Ultra-Orthodox have no time for such foolishness. Gotta study that Torah.

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. IGN apologizes for removing the cha... - archive.org, archive.today*

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It's about ethics in games journalism.

Followup drama: open letter to the board being buttmad about the apology
