As Joel Osteen starts trending, smug christians, even more smug atheists and Twitter's taxation experts all come out to battle over God's chosen tax bracket.

1  2021-05-17 by busslordlowkeybussin


Osteen doesn’t take a salary from his church. His money comes from book sales & paid speeches.

Lmao, hell will freeze over before a mega preacher makes an honest living.

I'll bet my left testicle his churches are hard-core shilling his books and probably has them on display everywhere, and I'd be even more his cultists alienate anyone that doesn't buy them.

I’ll bet my left testicle his churches are hard-core shilling his books

They should just do what politicians do and have their campaign buy thousands of books to give away. You get money straight in your pockets, the campaign/church has a “legitimate” expenditure and you get to call yourself a New York Times bestselling author


Goodwill's CEO makes $730k/year. Time for Goodwill to pay taxes!

I don’t get it. Do they think that’s a lot for a CEO? Or that a CEO having a six-figure salary is somehow evidence a company doesn’t pay taxes?

Urban ethnography project involving artists, anthropologists & activists around placemaking & civic participation. Founded by Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, PhD Anth

Doubt this person has a good understanding of money. $700k must be like $7 million to them.

Someone pulled some magic shit to trick people into directing monetary-related their anger at CEO's.

It's definitely the guy who's gonna get fired if he doesn't deliver a record breaking quarter you should be angry at, not the international investment groups expecting insane returns on their investments 😎

Eh, executive pay has indeed gone pretty wonky over the last few decades, and it doesn’t seem to have done much for performance or shareholders.

It's not like CEO pay is what's depriving lower workers though. Usually if you just take the pay of a CEO they bitch about, and divide their entire pay among the employees, they all get a life changing $100 extra per year, if that. His salary accounted for about .1 percent of their expenditures on pay in 2018.

It's part of the overall culture - we've seen decades of stagnating wages for pretty much everyone aside from the executive class, who saw huge gains seemingly not tied to actual performance. I get why proles are getting testy, this is the sort of shit that can eventually end in revolution.

Sure, but plenty of people get mad about CEO pay in specific. It's like getting mad that master's favorite slave gets treated better, and blaming the slave for it.

I don't really disagree, but CEO's are just easily visible public scapegoats for broader issues.

I saw people suggest that [REDACTED] CEO's in Minecraft will solve global warming, or cheering on the idea of replacing a CEO with an AI. I wouldn't be surprised if the future is replacing most CEO's with QTPOC's with "abolish the police" and "tax the rich" in their Twitter bio, with nothing else changing, as way too many people will totally eat it up.

That $730k could be used to pay off her student loans rather than going to some greedy kkkapitalist

Goodwill is a non-profit, so I imagine they don’t pay taxes.

Since I deleted my once famous drama janny account and turned to christ, I have come to see the light. Osteen did nothing wrong he, like most good Baptist, just thinks poors are gross.

I think that's a big part of religion. Jesus told everyone to help the poor and the pharisees straight up preferred to kill him and continue being rich or whatever.


idc about any of this but I always thought osteen's ol lady looked like a straight up freak. I want her to use me

I still call Lakewood church the summit

oh you mean the compaq center?

Joel Osteen is married? I thought priests couldn’t get married?

I think that's mostly (entirely?) a Catholic thing?

Certainly not a thing in any mega church I've ever seen, they're always married to 100 pounds of plastic surgery and designer clothes.

Osteen is definitely a grifter but I believe he's mentally ill enough to think he's doing a good thing. I'm not going to get upset at a bunch of ruralcels spending their money on r-slurred shit. Same way I don't care about homeopathy stores, who the fuck cares what people get their placebo dopamine from. Although I prefer the real ways, alcohol and cocaine.


I respect anyone who can separate idiots from their money.

You respect Drumpf?

Im all for joel olsteen not paying taxes, not for religious reasons or anything i just think tax avoidance is based.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. As Joel Osteen starts trending, smu... -,*

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