Man Was Blinken At Moment Evidence of Hamas in AP Building And Missed Israel’s Prezi Slideshow

1  2021-05-17 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Israel has said the presence of a Hamas military intelligence office justified an airstrike

War is so cucked now. Remember when the only justification you needed was "My name is Genghis Khan and I do what I want".

This is what made Bush cool. "The US military will present Saddam's bussy for my personal inspection and I dare you to try and stop me."

Lol as much as I hate Bush the guy had some great marketing people too. "Coalition of the willing" sounds like he's willing to pillage bussy with no hesitation.

No doubt he would've went down in history as the most r-slurred American president ever had it not been for DDR. He should've dunked on the french way harder though. Freedom Fries was hella lame. Should've been Frog Fries or something along those lines.

Someone plz correct me if I'm wrong but I swear I read that they ordered the evacuation of the building a few hours before the strike took place as well.

An hour. Israel should be required to give at least 3 days notice in writing before bombing anywhere.

The iron dome is racist

Okay hear me out. This is a good idea. We give both sides Iron Domes and rockets and let them blast shit at each other. Their iron domes will intercept everything so the regular people don't get hurt while IDF and Hamas get to dick wave at each other.

And the US is paying for all of it?

No it shouldn't, and neither should landchads

Landlords shouldn’t be evicting people anyways

Ngl an American secretary of state calling Israel out on blatantly lying is a new experience for me

The latest: "The Secretary was referring only to what he personally had seen. As he made clear, any such information would be provided to others in the administration, not directly to the secretary of State," a senior State Department official told Axios.

I think it’s more like he wasn’t present at the time of it being shown. But it is kinda weird that the Sec of State wouldn’t be present for something like this. Probably for plausible deniability to await Biden’s response. Post-Orange White House staff can no longer know how the president is going to react to current events.

Imagine having input on foreign Affairs as the secretary of state.

lol ikr

I think it’s more like he wasn’t present at the time of it being shown.

I think there is no evidence.

Then why the fuck is he saying anything lmao

Gotta keep the press on their toes

Its all just geopolitics. Israel is very slowly starting to outlive its usefulness to the US as a way to exert influence in the region now that Saudi Arabia has started to exert influence in the region and they are a US ally. Emphasis on “slowly” though since Saudi Arabia is absolute dogshit militarily unlike Israel.

They can’t beat Yemen in a war and we are going to ask them to hold down the fort vs iran 😬

I’m v v v pro Palestine in this but one talking point I hate is how evil Israel is bc they are killing more ppl than the Palestinians. Hamas is trying their best, it’s just that they’re comically and tragically incompetent, as Arabs always are when they try to fight the Israelis.

I trained Iraqis. I’m aware of Arab indifference.

Lebanoid Palestoids tried shooting rockets but just hit Lebanoids instead, then they got shelled by Isracels for trying. This is modern warfare and I approve of it.

my daughters friend from Columbia who works in the Gaza office over there for AJ said there's definitely no way she knows Terrorist Joe from the break room and you're a racist for even asking (she's half-Ethiopian).

so, y'know, typical

womp womp


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Can't wait for the rightoids to spin this one. Townhall put out a bit saying how the AP had it coming, so I imagine they will take this well.

Probably will be a "Who are you going to believe? An article in a foreign newspaper with anonymous sources or our own secretary of state? Real patriots will always support the first"

Journos deserve it, no spin required.

Group of journos put out a piece telling coalcels to learn to code and years later people are still seething over journos because of it


Imagine not hating on the press since the destruction of USS Maine.

Get on our level.

Nooooooo not the heckin spanisharinos the war was a big yikes it wasn’t legitimate

Get fucked Carlos

We thought the United States won against Spain, but ceding Florida to the United States was the real victory on their part.

Lmao yeah that's the only reason to hate journos. You're not fooling anyone journalist scum

A bunch of @ss mad seething journos who were warned hours in advance to evacuate and no one was killed....... We'll see how it plays out and rightards are jumping the gun but acting like BB is Goerbles is jumping the gun as much or worse than trusting thar their motivation wasn't solely silencing Qatar. It doesnt matter because r*tards like you will go "akshuhhlly" no matter what the outcome is anyways but siding with seething journos and Hamas doesn't seem very radically centrist to me sweaty. But hey you might be right in the end, but probably not and even if you are I don't care.


You think only rightoids are on the correct side of this issue?